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  2. CQM-5690

CMS146v11 - Provider Attribution


    • Icon: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Ashish Trivedy
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      ​​Thank you for your inquiry about CMS146v11. The logic is specified such that if the providers are sharing EHRs or sharing data through Health Information Exchange, all providers that have access to the data could use for reporting. In your scenarios, if provider1 and provider2 had access to the data, both patients would be in both provider's IPP. If in your scenarios provider1 and provider2 have separate EHRs that do not share data, only the provider with access to the data could report the patient in their IPP.
      ​​Thank you for your inquiry about CMS146v11. The logic is specified such that if the providers are sharing EHRs or sharing data through Health Information Exchange, all providers that have access to the data could use for reporting. In your scenarios, if provider1 and provider2 had access to the data, both patients would be in both provider's IPP. If in your scenarios provider1 and provider2 have separate EHRs that do not share data, only the provider with access to the data could report the patient in their IPP.
    • CMS0146v11


      For IPP requirement would like to get clarification regarding provider attribution. Does it have to be the same provider documenting diagnosis of pharyngitis or tonsillitis on day of qualifying encounter and also orders the medication in 3 day or less after qualifying encounter? 

      Scenario 1: 

      Provider1 has qualifying encounter with diagnosis of pharyngitis on 10/12/2022 08:00am - 08:15am  
      Provider2 also has qualifying encounter same day on 10/12/2022 11:00am - 11:15am and medication order on 10/14/2022 08:00am - 08:15am 

      Scenario 2: 
      Provider1 has qualifying encounter on 10/12/2022 08:00am - 08:15am and pharyngitis diagnosis with no enddatetime 10/12/2022 08:00am
      Provider2 has qualifying encounter and medication order on 10/14/2022 11:00am - 11:15am 

      For scenario 1 & 2 will both providers meet IPP requirement?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            ashishtrivedy Ashish Trivedy
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