EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
Resolution: Answered
Jeff Jennings
Would like to understand the intent of adding the "day of" measure logic to the CMS 165 numerator to help understand the impact of the change.
For example, if a patient was seen in the ED in the morning of day 1, then in the afternoon had an office visit, would the BP taken during the office visit count or not? As it will be the same day as ED encounter.
["Physical Exam, Performed": "Diastolic blood pressure"] DiastolicBP
without ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Encounter Inpatient"]
union ["Encounter, Performed": "Emergency Department Visit"] ) DisqualifyingEncounter
such that Global."LatestOf" ( DiastolicBP.relevantDatetime, DiastolicBP.relevantPeriod ) during day of DisqualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod
where DiastolicBP.result.unit = 'mm[Hg]'
and Global."LatestOf" ( DiastolicBP.relevantDatetime, DiastolicBP.relevantPeriod ) during day of "Measurement Period"