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    • Greenway Health
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      Thank you for your question on CMS137, Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment.
      The logic for CMS137v11 for 2023 Performance Period is intended to evaluate timing at the date level for diagnosis history. Evaluating timing at the date level would also meet the intent of CMS137v10 for 2022 Performance Period, though the logic is specified to evaluate timing at the date/time level.
      Thank you for your question on CMS137, Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment. The logic for CMS137v11 for 2023 Performance Period is intended to evaluate timing at the date level for diagnosis history. Evaluating timing at the date level would also meet the intent of CMS137v10 for 2022 Performance Period, though the logic is specified to evaluate timing at the date/time level.
    • CMS0137v11
    • Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment

      For CMS137v10 Denominator Exclusion the EncounterWithDiagnosis relevant period is being compared to FirstDiagnosis prevalence period. Is the intention to measure down to the seconds as indicated by the CQL, or was the intention to measure based on days, as would make sense for clinical care and documentation. Seems like the latter is intended, especially since the measure goes in that direction in 2023, but clarification would be appreciated. 

      union ( ( "Qualifying Encounters" QualifyingEncounter
      where ( exists QualifyingEncounter.diagnoses Diagnosis
      where Diagnosis.code in "Alcohol and Drug Dependence"
      ) ) EncounterWithDiagnosis
      with "First Dependence Diagnosis During Measurement Period" FirstDiagnosis
      such that EncounterWithDiagnosis.relevantPeriod starts 60 days or less before start of FirstDiagnosis.prevalencePeriod

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team (Inactive)
            chrystal.vidrine Chrystal Vidrine
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