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  2. CQM-5442

CMS50v11 - First Referral during First 10 Months of Measurement Period Calculation Logic


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Ashish Trivedy
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      ​Thank you for bringing this logic concern regarding the reporting period for CMS50v11: Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report to our attention. As a reminder, when evaluating the logic for electronic measures, please make sure you are using CQL logic. The measure is only meant to capture first referrals between 12:00am on January 1 - 11:59pm on October 31 as stated in the measure guidance. We will review to ensure that the measure logic matches the guidance narrative during this update cycle.
      ​Thank you for bringing this logic concern regarding the reporting period for CMS50v11: Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report to our attention. As a reminder, when evaluating the logic for electronic measures, please make sure you are using CQL logic. The measure is only meant to capture first referrals between 12:00am on January 1 - 11:59pm on October 31 as stated in the measure guidance. We will review to ensure that the measure logic matches the guidance narrative during this update cycle.
    • CMS0050v11

      For 2023 CMS50v11 in measure guidance it states to consider "the first referral made between January 1 – October 31 of the measurement period". So based on that statement only referrals made between 1/1/22 12am - 10/31/2022 11:59pm should be valid, and any referrals made on or after 11/01/2022 12am till end of measurement period will not be considered for IPP. 

      But based on "First Referral during First 10 Months of Measurement Period" definition when calculating start of measurement period + 10 months it includes referral made between 1/1/22 12am - 11/01/2022 12am valid for IPP. Have verified this in bonnie and IPP is met if referral is made on 11/01/2022 12am. So can I get clarification on whether to include referral made on 11/1/22 12am or should it be valid only until 10/31/22 11:59 pm. 

      First(((["Intervention, Performed": "Referral"] ReferralPerform
            where Global."NormalizeInterval"(ReferralPerform.relevantDatetime, ReferralPerform.relevantPeriod)ends during Interval[start of "Measurement Period", start of "Measurement Period" + 10 months]

      {         identification: ReferralPerform.id,         dateIntervention:          end of Global."NormalizeInterval"(ReferralPerform.relevantDatetime, ReferralPerform.relevantPeriod)       }

          union(["Intervention, Order": "Referral"] ReferralOrder
              where ReferralOrder.authorDatetime during Interval[start of "Measurement Period", start of "Measurement Period" + 10 months]

      {           identification: ReferralOrder.id,           dateIntervention: ReferralOrder.authorDatetime         }

          sort by dateIntervention ascending


        1. Intervention Order.png
          90 kB
          Ashish Trivedy
        2. Intervention Performed .png
          97 kB
          Ashish Trivedy

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            ashishtrivedy Ashish Trivedy
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