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  2. CQM-5437

Understand Hyperglycemic days calculation logic


    • Icon: Other Other
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Measure
    • Sukriti Raut
    • 4133983283
    • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
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      ​​Thank you for your questions. The truncation of the hospitalization timeframe applies to the numerator, denominator and both measure observations. To determine the hospitalization timeframe, the logic calculates 24 hour intervals to represent a day up to 10 days. Each ‘day’ within the hospitalization period is then evaluated for a hyperglycemic event (minus the first 24 hours) allowing for a maximum of 9 measure observations days. In your example, there are 4 hyperglycemic event days which include May 7 and May 9. Please see example below for more details.
      Test Case Example: Please note we provided an encounter start timestamp for a more complete picture.
      Encounter start: 5/4 9am
      Hospitalization period: 10 days (5/4 9am to 5/14 859am)
      Denominator Observations: 9 eligible hospital days
      Numerator Observations: 4 hyperglycemic event days (dayIndex 4, dayIndex 6, dayIndex 9, dayIndex 10)

      [see attachment]
      ​​Thank you for your questions. The truncation of the hospitalization timeframe applies to the numerator, denominator and both measure observations. To determine the hospitalization timeframe, the logic calculates 24 hour intervals to represent a day up to 10 days. Each ‘day’ within the hospitalization period is then evaluated for a hyperglycemic event (minus the first 24 hours) allowing for a maximum of 9 measure observations days. In your example, there are 4 hyperglycemic event days which include May 7 and May 9. Please see example below for more details.   Test Case Example: Please note we provided an encounter start timestamp for a more complete picture. Encounter start: 5/4 9am Hospitalization period: 10 days (5/4 9am to 5/14 859am) Denominator Observations: 9 eligible hospital days Numerator Observations: 4 hyperglycemic event days (dayIndex 4, dayIndex 6, dayIndex 9, dayIndex 10) [see attachment]
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      Unable to build the denominator. Although the measure will be released early 2023, we are trying to build CMS eCQM Hyperglycemic metric using Epic Clarity data for our organization now to anticipate our performance and to align our quality improvement work with CMS' guidelines.
      Unable to build the denominator. Although the measure will be released early 2023, we are trying to build CMS eCQM Hyperglycemic metric using Epic Clarity data for our organization now to anticipate our performance and to align our quality improvement work with CMS' guidelines.

      As an attendant of the eCQM Expert to Expert Webinar, I have some follow up questions about the Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia [ecqi.healthit.gov].


      • Is the inpatient hospitalization truncation to 10-days for the numerator only or for the denominator as well? Based on attachment 1, it seems like it's for the denominator as well, but the attachment 2 (slide from webinar - # 33) only mentions it for the numerator period which was also expressed during the webinar by the presenter. 


      • My second question is about understanding the logic to calculate number of hypoglycemic 'days'. I am having trouble understanding the method to create 24-hour period that starts at the hour position and not the calendar day (attachment 3). How to capture these 24-hr periods if hyperglycemia occurs intermittently? For example, in attachment 4, the pt had >300 on the 7th but did not have >300 again until the 9th. Do I not count May 7th and also May 9th as hyperglycemic days because they did not last for 24-hrs?  It will be easy to calculate the 24-hr periods if the dates are consecutive, but not sure how to accommodate the gaps. Did the pt in attachment 4 only have 1 full 24-hr period (i.e. 1 hyperglycemia day) from 12th to 13th May and would others days be excluded? It would be helpful to understand how many hyperglycemic days would this pt have as an example. Additionally, what date time point will you use if the pt had three hyper glycemic events on the same day like on May 13th in attachment 4?


        1. 1.png
          132 kB
        2. 2.pdf
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        3. 3.jpg
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        4. 4.png
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        5. CQM-5437.pdf
          96 kB

            JLeflore Joelencia Leflore
            sukriti.raut Sukriti Raut (Inactive)
            Sukriti Raut (Inactive)
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