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  2. CQM-5421

HH-02 (CMS 871v2) hyperglycemic event day


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      ​Thank you for your question on CMS871, Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia. The glucose lab test on 8/28 at 8:00am was done on dayIndex 3, depicted in the table attached.

      This is determined by the Days In Period logic (see below) which uses the interval of dayPeriod: Interval[startPeriod, endPeriod ).

      First to note, the interval is looking at 24-hour periods from the start of the encounter to calculate a day. The use of a closed parens ) in the logic indicates that the last minute within the 24-hour interval is excluded. The use of an open bracket [ in the logic indicates the start minute is included within the day interval. Therefore, in your example, each dayPeriod starts at 8:00am and ends at 7:59pm.

      Days In Period(Period Interval<DateTime>)

      ( "Interval To Day Numbers"(Period)) DayIndex

        let startPeriod: start of Period + ( 24 hours * ( DayIndex - 1 ) ),

        endPeriod: if ( hours between startPeriod and

          end of Period < 24

        ) then startPeriod

          else start of Period + ( 24 hours * DayIndex )

        return Tuple {

          dayIndex: DayIndex,

          dayPeriod: Interval[startPeriod, endPeriod )


      Second to note, the glucose lab test on 8/28 at 8:00am will only be considered a hyperglycemic event day (meeting the numerator criteria) if the glucose value is >300 mg/dL.
      ​Thank you for your question on CMS871, Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia. The glucose lab test on 8/28 at 8:00am was done on dayIndex 3, depicted in the table attached. This is determined by the Days In Period logic (see below) which uses the interval of dayPeriod: Interval[startPeriod, endPeriod ). First to note, the interval is looking at 24-hour periods from the start of the encounter to calculate a day. The use of a closed parens ) in the logic indicates that the last minute within the 24-hour interval is excluded. The use of an open bracket [ in the logic indicates the start minute is included within the day interval. Therefore, in your example, each dayPeriod starts at 8:00am and ends at 7:59pm. Days In Period(Period Interval<DateTime>) ( "Interval To Day Numbers"(Period)) DayIndex   let startPeriod: start of Period + ( 24 hours * ( DayIndex - 1 ) ),   endPeriod: if ( hours between startPeriod and     end of Period < 24   ) then startPeriod     else start of Period + ( 24 hours * DayIndex )   return Tuple {     dayIndex: DayIndex,     dayPeriod: Interval[startPeriod, endPeriod )   } Second to note, the glucose lab test on 8/28 at 8:00am will only be considered a hyperglycemic event day (meeting the numerator criteria) if the glucose value is >300 mg/dL.
    • CMS0871v2

      When identifying the DayIndex, how is the +24 hrs timeframe calculated? For example: 

      Is 26-Aug 8:00 + 24 hrs = 27-Aug 8:00 or 26-Aug 23:59?

      Can you please provide clarification in the following scenario about which day should the event be attributed to? DayIndex 2 or 3? Thanks!

      Encounter start 26-Aug 8:00 -> Encounter ends 31-Aug  8:15    

      Glucose lab test 28-Aug 8:00



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