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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-5402

Heparin Drips Mixed in the Hospital not Capturing


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
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    • Ashley Daniel
    • 2293536805
    • Tift Regional Medical Center
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      Thank you for your question. RxNorm code 1361615 is included in value set of Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin for VTE Prophylaxis (2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1045.39). The patient given RxNorm 1361615 during the qualified timeframe via IV route would be satisfying the numerator condition as of following definition:

      define "Low Risk Indicator For VTE"

       "Medication, Administered": "Unfractionated Heparin"] UnfractionatedHeparin
              where UnfractionatedHeparin.route in "Intravenous route"

      Please contact with your EHR vendor/reporter to find out why those patients are "missing the measure" unexpectedly.
      Thank you for your question. RxNorm code 1361615 is included in value set of Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin for VTE Prophylaxis (2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1045.39). The patient given RxNorm 1361615 during the qualified timeframe via IV route would be satisfying the numerator condition as of following definition: define "Low Risk Indicator For VTE" ....  "Medication, Administered": "Unfractionated Heparin"] UnfractionatedHeparin         where UnfractionatedHeparin.route in "Intravenous route" Please contact with your EHR vendor/reporter to find out why those patients are "missing the measure" unexpectedly.
    • CMS0108v10
    • We currently have multiple patients missing the numerator, even though they were started on a heparin drip in the appropriate time frame, because they are receiving drips mixed in the hospital and not pre-mixed drips.

      Our hospital currently creates most of our heparin drips in-house instead of using pre-mixed solutions.  The drug used is #1361615- heparin sodium, porcine 5000 unit/ml injectable solution.  This is currently not in the value set to satisfy Medication, Administered: Unfractionated Heparin IV route.  Currently our pharmacists mix 25,000 units of heparin in a 250ml bag of fluid.  This comes out to 100 units/ ml, as is one of the choices in the value set.  Is there anyway for this value of heparin to be added to the value set?  Otherwise we will just continue having patients miss this measure.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            adani65 Ashley Daniel
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