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  2. CQM-5372

CMS 165-Controlling High Blood Pressure


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      Thank you for your inquiry. Since no measure version is specified, the answer is provided in the context of CMS165v11 (2023 Performance Period). The measure specification does not prescribe the source of diagnosis data in the EHR, and does not require the hypertension diagnosis to be tied to a specific encounter. In your example, you can use the patient's diagnosis found in your organization's integrated EHR to report the denominator criteria.

      For additional information on eCQMs, please refer to the eCQI Resource Center for available resources:
      - Guide for Reading eCQMs v8.0: https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/Guide-for-Reading-eCQMs-v8.pdf
      - eCQM Logic and Implementation Guide v6.0: https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/eCQM-Logic-and-Guidance-v6.pdf
      Thank you for your inquiry. Since no measure version is specified, the answer is provided in the context of CMS165v11 (2023 Performance Period). The measure specification does not prescribe the source of diagnosis data in the EHR, and does not require the hypertension diagnosis to be tied to a specific encounter. In your example, you can use the patient's diagnosis found in your organization's integrated EHR to report the denominator criteria. For additional information on eCQMs, please refer to the eCQI Resource Center for available resources: - Guide for Reading eCQMs v8.0: https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/Guide-for-Reading-eCQMs-v8.pdf - eCQM Logic and Implementation Guide v6.0: https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/eCQM-Logic-and-Guidance-v6.pdf
    • CMS0165v11

      Should we be using patient diagnosis from organizations from which we have access to their documentation in our EMR to identify the patient denominator for MIPS EHR reporting for hypertension?

      For example, we have patient pulling into the denominator based off a diagnosis associated with a visit at a non-Mayo facility. Should the diagnosis from on outside facility be included if it is not on our problem list or has not been used within an encounter at our facility?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            hollerich.amber@mayo.edu Amber Hollerich (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

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