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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-5296

ED2 "encounter w/in or at an hour of the ED visit"


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • melissa pineda
    • 19254909716
    • CCRMC
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      ​​Thank you for the inquiry. This comment /*Emergency Department visit with a Decision to Admit inpatient followed by an Inpatient encounter within an hour of the ED Visit*/ indicates that an ED visit (end time) with a Decision to Admit Inpatient is within 60 minutes of the inpatient admission start datetime. Consider this scenario:
        ED Visit 5/1/2020 0800 - 5/1/2020 1500 with Decision to admit 5/1/2020 14:30

        Inpatient encounter admission time 5/1/2020 1515

        Time between ED Visit discharge time and inpatient admission time is 15 minutes.
      ​​Thank you for the inquiry. This comment /*Emergency Department visit with a Decision to Admit inpatient followed by an Inpatient encounter within an hour of the ED Visit*/ indicates that an ED visit (end time) with a Decision to Admit Inpatient is within 60 minutes of the inpatient admission start datetime. Consider this scenario:   ED Visit 5/1/2020 0800 - 5/1/2020 1500 with Decision to admit 5/1/2020 14:30   Inpatient encounter admission time 5/1/2020 1515   Time between ED Visit discharge time and inpatient admission time is 15 minutes.
    • CMS0111v10
    • Can you please explain what the intent of the statement

      Can you please explain what the intent of the statement below regarding initial population?
      "/Emergency Department visit with a Decision to Admit inpatient followed by an Inpatient encounter within an hour of the ED Visit/"
      I am not on the tech side, to me this sounds like it says, limit the population to patients who left the ED w/in 60 minutes of decision to admit. Please clarify. Thank you.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            mpineda4@cchealth.org melissa (Inactive)
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