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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-5245

CMS 90V11: Timing logic for ValidEncounters in the numerator


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
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      ​Thank you for your inquiry about the encounters for CMS90, Functional Status Assessments for Congestive Heart Failure. The "ValidEncounters" refers to the the qualifying encounters in the definition below to meet the Initial Population criteria. The "ValidEncounters" alias is also called into the Numerator definitions where the end of the encounters need to be 180 days or more before the end of the measurement period.

      Qualifying Encounters
      ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Office Visit"]
        union ["Encounter, Performed": "Telephone Visits"]
        union ["Encounter, Performed": "Online Assessments"] ) ValidEncounter
        where ValidEncounter.relevantPeriod during "Measurement Period"
      ​Thank you for your inquiry about the encounters for CMS90, Functional Status Assessments for Congestive Heart Failure. The "ValidEncounters" refers to the the qualifying encounters in the definition below to meet the Initial Population criteria. The "ValidEncounters" alias is also called into the Numerator definitions where the end of the encounters need to be 180 days or more before the end of the measurement period. CMS90v11: Qualifying Encounters ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Office Visit"]   union ["Encounter, Performed": "Telephone Visits"]   union ["Encounter, Performed": "Online Assessments"] ) ValidEncounter   where ValidEncounter.relevantPeriod during "Measurement Period"
    • CMS0090v11
    • CMS90v10/NQFna
    • That the initial encounter and follow-up encounter are limited to the first half of the measurement period.

      In the CMS 90V11 numerator specifications which encounter is the "ValidEncounters" timing logic below referring to?  Both the Initial and Follow-up encounter?

      "where ValidEncounters.relevantPeriod ends 180 days or more before end of "Measurement Period"

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            jjCerner Jeff Jennings (Inactive)
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