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  2. CQM-5209

CMS111v10 - LastEDEncounter(EncounterInpatient "Encounter, Performed")


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      ​Thank you for the question. Patient A has and inpatient encounter within an hour of an ED visit and ED evaluation is during the ED visit, presuming the patient has a departure time that is after the ED evaluation decision- this patient would qualify for the initial population for ED -2. Patient B would not qualify for the initial population because the end time of the ED to the start of the inpatient is greater than 1 hour.
      ​Thank you for the question. Patient A has and inpatient encounter within an hour of an ED visit and ED evaluation is during the ED visit, presuming the patient has a departure time that is after the ED evaluation decision- this patient would qualify for the initial population for ED -2. Patient B would not qualify for the initial population because the end time of the ED to the start of the inpatient is greater than 1 hour.
    • CMS0111v10

      Hi Team,

      We have a query w.r.t. Initial Population of CMS111v10:

      ED Encounter with Decision to Admit
      /Constrains the inpatient encounter to having an ED visit with a decision to admit (assessment or order) to inpatient and ED facility location period is not null/
      Global."Inpatient Encounter" EncounterInpatient
      let LastEDVisit: LastEDEncounter(EncounterInpatient),
      AdmitAssessment: "AdmitDecisionUsingAssessment"(EncounterInpatient)
      where ( Global."NormalizeInterval" ( AdmitAssessment.relevantDatetime, AdmitAssessment.relevantPeriod ) starts during LastEDVisit.relevantPeriod
      or ( "AdmitDecisionUsingEncounterOrder"(EncounterInpatient).authorDatetime during LastEDVisit.relevantPeriod )
      and exists ( LastEDVisit.facilityLocations Location
      where Location.code in "Emergency Department Visit"
      and Global."HasEnd" ( Location.locationPeriod )

      Patient A is documented with following data:
      EncounterInpatient.relevantPeriod is between 4/10/2022 02:41:00 and 4/11/2022 13:00:00
      LastED.relevantPeriod is between 4/9/2022 19:47:00 and 4/10/2022 01:41:00
      EDEvaluation.relevantDatetime is documented on 4/9/2022 20:47:00

      Patient B is documented with following data:
      EncounterInpatient.relevantPeriod is between 4/10/2022 02:47:00 and 4/11/2022 13:00:00
      EDVisit.relevantPeriod is between 4/9/2022 19:47:00 and 4/10/2022 01:41:00
      EDEvaluation.relevantDatetime is documented on 4/9/2022 20:47:00

      Which of the above two patients would qualify for Initial Population?

      Kindly assist us on the above queries urgently as client deliverables are dependent upon it.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            aditiw Aditi Waje (Inactive)
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