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  2. CQM-4852

CMS 69v10: Timing question for "Low BMI and Order for Follow Up" definition


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    • Jeff
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      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS69v10 (Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow Up Plan). The definition statements for High BMI and Follow Up Provided, High BMI and Order for Follow Up, Low BMI and Follow Up Provided, and Low BMI and Order for Follow Up were revised in the 2022 version of the measure (v10) to include the normalize interval logic. At that time 'ends' was added to the timing. However, 'ends' was inadvertently omitted from the Low BMI and Order for Follow up definition. Bonnie testing reveals that the logic is working as intended even though the timing does not include 'ends' in the clause. We appreciate you notifying us of this issue and will consider this update to the logic during the eCQM Annual Update cycle.
      Thank you for your inquiry about CMS69v10 (Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow Up Plan). The definition statements for High BMI and Follow Up Provided, High BMI and Order for Follow Up, Low BMI and Follow Up Provided, and Low BMI and Order for Follow Up were revised in the 2022 version of the measure (v10) to include the normalize interval logic. At that time 'ends' was added to the timing. However, 'ends' was inadvertently omitted from the Low BMI and Order for Follow up definition. Bonnie testing reveals that the logic is working as intended even though the timing does not include 'ends' in the clause. We appreciate you notifying us of this issue and will consider this update to the logic during the eCQM Annual Update cycle.
    • CMS0069v10
    • Potential timing issue

      The numerator timing for the "High BMI and Order for Follow up" definition states the following:

      such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( MostRecentBMI.relevantDatetime, MostRecentBMI.relevantPeriod ) ends 12 months or less on or before day of HighBMIIntervention.authorDatetime


      The numerator timing for the "Low BMI and Order for Follow up" definition states the following:

      such that Global."NormalizeInterval" ( MostRecentBMI.relevantDatetime, MostRecentBMI.relevantPeriod ) 12 months or less on or before day of LowBMIIntervention.authorDatetime


      Is there a reason why the "ends" was omitted on the "Low BMI and Order for Follow up" definition? 

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            jjCerner Jeff Jennings (Inactive)
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