EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
Resolution: Answered
For 2022 CMS146v10 measure requirements in numerator statement does not match the numerator definition.
Numerator statement: A group A streptococcus test in the seven-day period from *three days prior to the episode date through three days after the episode date."*
Numerator Definition:
"Group A Streptococcus Lab Test With Result" GroupAStreptococcusTest,
"Encounter With Pharyngitis or Tonsillitis With Antibiotic" EncounterWithPharyngitis
where ( Global."NormalizeInterval" ( GroupAStreptococcusTest.relevantDatetime, GroupAStreptococcusTest.relevantPeriod ) starts within 3 days of end of EncounterWithPharyngitis.relevantPeriod )
return EncounterWithPharyngitis"
In numerator statement it states to consider three days prior and three days after the episode date vs. in numerator definition it only states 'starts within 3 days of end of EncounterWithPharyngitis.relevantPeriod'.
Can we get clarification if 3 days prior to the episode date needs to be considered.