EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals
Resolution: Answered
CMS0071v11, CMS0104v10, CMS0105v10, CMS0506v4
We are looking for guidance about cross-encounter medication reconciliation in the same EMR and the evaluation for the STK-2, 3, 6, Safe Use of Opioids numerator
Example: A patient Inpatient encounter (E1) qualifies for Stroke measure, he/she is getting transferred to a Rehab facility (under a different encounter (E2), same EHR system). Patient is receiving statin medication as inpatient. During the transfer process (from inpatient to rehab), the clinician in the inpatient facility orders to continue the statin medication in the Rehab facility. The receiving clinician in the rehab facility decides ‘Do not accept’ the statin order or maybe modify the proposed statin order. When evaluating medication that were prescribed or continued at discharge for STK-2, 3, 6, Safe Use of Opioids numerator, should the order ‘proposed’ to be continued by the Inpatient clinician count for E1? Even if it was not accepted or modified later by the Rehab facility clinician (E2)?
Your guidance would be greatly appreciated