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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-4626

CMS506v4 - Global.Inpatient Encounter


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      Thank you for your question. The intent of CMS506v4 (Safe Use of Opioids- Concurrent Prescribing) is to include relevant inpatient encounters that end during the measurement period, including the full final day of the measurement period (Dec 31, 20xx). You are correct that the use of "day of" is to look at date or day level (YYYY-MM-DD), and that the time of day the encounter ends is not required. The ESAC Standards team has included links to timing resources from the Clinical Quality Language Specification Author's and Developer's Guide in their comments on this ticket. Please let us know if you have additional questions.
      Thank you for your question. The intent of CMS506v4 (Safe Use of Opioids- Concurrent Prescribing) is to include relevant inpatient encounters that end during the measurement period, including the full final day of the measurement period (Dec 31, 20xx). You are correct that the use of "day of" is to look at date or day level (YYYY-MM-DD), and that the time of day the encounter ends is not required. The ESAC Standards team has included links to timing resources from the Clinical Quality Language Specification Author's and Developer's Guide in their comments on this ticket. Please let us know if you have additional questions.
    • EH
    • Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing

      Hi Team,

      Consider statements below from CMS506v4:

      Inpatient Encounter with Age Greater than or Equal to 18
      Global."Inpatient Encounter" InpatientHospitalEncounter
      with ["Patient Characteristic Birthdate": "Birth date"] BirthDate
      such that Global.CalendarAgeInYearsAt ( BirthDate.birthDatetime, start of InpatientHospitalEncounter.relevantPeriod ) >= 18

      Global.Inpatient Encounter
      ["Encounter, Performed": "Encounter Inpatient"] EncounterInpatient
      where "LengthInDays"(EncounterInpatient.relevantPeriod)<= 120
      and EncounterInpatient.relevantPeriod ends during day of "Measurement Period"


      1. What does day of "Measurement Period" mean? Do we need to consider 'time' for the end date of EncounterInpatient.relevantPeriod or only 'Date' as it says "day of"?

      Request you to provide us with the resolution urgently as our client deliverables are dependent on it.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            aditiw Aditi Waje (Inactive)
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