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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-4625

CMS111v10 - Global.HasEnd(period Interval<DateTime>)


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    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Thank you for the opportunity to review this question and response. We have reviewed the ESAC Standards Team response and confirm it is consistent with the measure intent.
    • EH
    • Median Admit Decision Time to ED Departure Time for Admitted Patients

      Hi Team,

      Consider statements below from CMS111v10:

      One of the Initial Population criteria states:

      ED Encounter with Decision to Admit
      /Constrains the inpatient encounter to having an ED visit with a decision to admit (assessment or order) to inpatient and ED facility location period is not null/
      Global."Inpatient Encounter" EncounterInpatient
      let LastEDVisit: LastEDEncounter(EncounterInpatient),
      AdmitAssessment: "AdmitDecisionUsingAssessment"(EncounterInpatient)
      where ( Global."NormalizeInterval" ( AdmitAssessment.relevantDatetime, AdmitAssessment.relevantPeriod ) starts during LastEDVisit.relevantPeriod
      or ( "AdmitDecisionUsingEncounterOrder"(EncounterInpatient).authorDatetime during LastEDVisit.relevantPeriod )
      and exists ( LastEDVisit.facilityLocations Location
      where Location.code in "Emergency Department Visit"
      and Global."HasEnd" ( Location.locationPeriod )

      Global.HasEnd(period Interval<DateTime>)
      not (
      end of period is null
      end of period = maximum DateTime


      Question #1:
      What do we mean by ‘Global."HasEnd" ( Location.locationPeriod )’? Do we need to check enddate of locationPeriod where Location.code in "Emergency Department Visit"?

      Question #2:
      not (
      end of period is null
      end of period = maximum DateTime
      As per this expression, what does “end of period = maximum DateTime” indicate?

      Request you to assist on above queries urgently as client deliverables are dependent upon it.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            aditiw Aditi Waje (Inactive)
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