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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-4014

Telehealth Modifiers


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    • Resolution: Answered
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      Thank you for your inquiry. For the 2020 performance period, there are 42 telehealth-eligible eCQMs, as identified in the telehealth guidance on the eCQI Resource Center (https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/2020-eCQM-Telehealth-Guidance-Document.pdf). Note that eCQMs are classified as eligible for telehealth encounters based on Medicare telehealth-eligible codes included in the measures’ encounter value sets.

      The value sets used by eCQMs do not include code modifiers. In instances where a modifier is submitted, the code is used by the eCQM, however the modifier is not. As such, eCQM logic and value sets do not differentiate between in-person encounters or telehealth encounters when these “telehealth-eligible” codes are applied. Therefore, it is the eligible professionals’ and eligible clinicians’ responsibility to make sure they can meet all other aspects of the quality action within the measure specification, including other quality actions that cannot be completed via telehealth, when considering which measure to report.
      Thank you for your inquiry. For the 2020 performance period, there are 42 telehealth-eligible eCQMs, as identified in the telehealth guidance on the eCQI Resource Center ( https://ecqi.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/2020-eCQM-Telehealth-Guidance-Document.pdf ). Note that eCQMs are classified as eligible for telehealth encounters based on Medicare telehealth-eligible codes included in the measures’ encounter value sets.   The value sets used by eCQMs do not include code modifiers. In instances where a modifier is submitted, the code is used by the eCQM, however the modifier is not. As such, eCQM logic and value sets do not differentiate between in-person encounters or telehealth encounters when these “telehealth-eligible” codes are applied. Therefore, it is the eligible professionals’ and eligible clinicians’ responsibility to make sure they can meet all other aspects of the quality action within the measure specification, including other quality actions that cannot be completed via telehealth, when considering which measure to report.
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      Telehealth (TH) visits are often picked up by appending a modifer/POS to standard codes e.g., 99213, The current specifications do not appear to include any guidance regarding the modifiers/POS codes, so if 99213 is used on the visit with a modifier/POS for TH the visit would be included.

      Can you provide any guidance?
      Telehealth (TH) visits are often picked up by appending a modifer/POS to standard codes e.g., 99213, The current specifications do not appear to include any guidance regarding the modifiers/POS codes, so if 99213 is used on the visit with a modifier/POS for TH the visit would be included. Can you provide any guidance?

          JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
          lkimker LuAnn Kimker (Inactive)
          2 Vote for this issue
          12 Start watching this issue

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