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  2. CQM-3962

Question about Numerator Criteria 3 & 4 (First & Second Hypertensive BP)


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Guidance, Measure
    • None
    • Rana Fahad Arshad
    • 407 401 9889 x 410
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      The follow up actions for the associated blood pressure reading must occur the same day as the encounter in which the blood pressure is taken (which is used to determine which blood pressure classification level the patient falls under) in order to meet the measure logic requirements. As is noted within the measure logic, the follow up actions all have a timing of "same day as start of" in relation to the encounter that was used to obtain the blood pressure measurement used in the measure calculation.

      Therefore, if a patient has a first hypertensive blood pressure reading on March 1, that same day the patient should also have either 1) an order to follow up within 4 weeks AND an order/recommendation for a lifestyle modification, or 2) a referral to an alternate or primary care provider.

      As for the second hypertensive blood pressure recording, the interventions only apply to the encounter where the second hypertensive reading is identified. The "same day as start of" logic also applies to the timing of the follow up actions for a second hypertensive blood pressure reading.
      The follow up actions for the associated blood pressure reading must occur the same day as the encounter in which the blood pressure is taken (which is used to determine which blood pressure classification level the patient falls under) in order to meet the measure logic requirements. As is noted within the measure logic, the follow up actions all have a timing of "same day as start of" in relation to the encounter that was used to obtain the blood pressure measurement used in the measure calculation. Therefore, if a patient has a first hypertensive blood pressure reading on March 1, that same day the patient should also have either 1) an order to follow up within 4 weeks AND an order/recommendation for a lifestyle modification, or 2) a referral to an alternate or primary care provider. As for the second hypertensive blood pressure recording, the interventions only apply to the encounter where the second hypertensive reading is identified. The "same day as start of" logic also applies to the timing of the follow up actions for a second hypertensive blood pressure reading.
    • CMS22v8/NQFna
    • Question about Numerator Criteria 3 & 4 (First & Second Hypertensive BP)
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      Hello, My question is in regards to achieving Numerator Criteria 3 & 4 (First & Second Hypertensive Blood Pressure).

      In case of First-Hypertensive Blood Pressure recording, it says that make lifestyle recommendation & Follow-up within 4 weeks OR Referral. So, in order to achieve Numerator, are we supposed to order two interventions separately on same encounter i.e. 1 for Lifestyle recommendation and other for Follow-up or Referral?

      In case of Second Hypertensive Blood Pressure recording, if First-Hypertensive intervention was not ordered then are we supposed to make 2 interventions orders i.e. 1 for lifestyle recommendation and other Medication/Lab/Diagnostic Study/Referral? Or it does not matter that First-Hypertensive intervention was ordered or not. Either way, we have to order a lifestyle recommendation AND Medication/Lab/Imaging Order/Referral?

      Kindly elaborate, Thanks!
      Hello, My question is in regards to achieving Numerator Criteria 3 & 4 (First & Second Hypertensive Blood Pressure). In case of First-Hypertensive Blood Pressure recording, it says that make lifestyle recommendation & Follow-up within 4 weeks OR Referral. So, in order to achieve Numerator, are we supposed to order two interventions separately on same encounter i.e. 1 for Lifestyle recommendation and other for Follow-up or Referral? In case of Second Hypertensive Blood Pressure recording, if First-Hypertensive intervention was not ordered then are we supposed to make 2 interventions orders i.e. 1 for lifestyle recommendation and other Medication/Lab/Diagnostic Study/Referral? Or it does not matter that First-Hypertensive intervention was ordered or not. Either way, we have to order a lifestyle recommendation AND Medication/Lab/Imaging Order/Referral? Kindly elaborate, Thanks!

      Hello, My question is in regards to achieving Numerator Criteria 3 & 4 (First & Second Hypertensive Blood Pressure).

      In case of First-Hypertensive Blood Pressure recording, it says that make lifestyle recommendation & Follow-up within 4 weeks OR Referral. So, in order to achieve Numerator, are we supposed to order two interventions separately on same encounter i.e. 1 for Lifestyle recommendation and other for Follow-up or Referral?

      In case of Second Hypertensive Blood Pressure recording, if First-Hypertensive intervention was not ordered then are we supposed to make 2 interventions orders i.e. 1 for lifestyle recommendation and other Medication/Lab/Diagnostic Study/Referral? Or it does not matter that First-Hypertensive intervention was ordered or not. Either way, we have to order a lifestyle recommendation AND Medication/Lab/Imaging Order/Referral?

      Kindly elaborate, Thanks!

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          Rana Fahad Arshad

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