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  2. CQM-3409

CMS69v7 - Numerator Query


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    • Resolution: Done
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      Thank you for your inquiry regarding CMS69v7 (Preventive Care and Screening: BMI Screening and Follow-Up Plan). A BMI and follow-up for above or below normal BMI must be documented 12 months or less (or on the day of) the eligible encounter. In your example of P1, the follow-up encounter on 7/1/2018 occurred less than 12 months before the qualifying encounter on 6/1/2019, however the BMI was not documented within the 12 month timeframe as it was documented on 8/1/2017. Therefore, the patient would not meet measure intent. Please let us know if you have any further questions.​
      Thank you for your inquiry regarding CMS69v7 (Preventive Care and Screening: BMI Screening and Follow-Up Plan). A BMI and follow-up for above or below normal BMI must be documented 12 months or less (or on the day of) the eligible encounter. In your example of P1, the follow-up encounter on 7/1/2018 occurred less than 12 months before the qualifying encounter on 6/1/2019, however the BMI was not documented within the 12 month timeframe as it was documented on 8/1/2017. Therefore, the patient would not meet measure intent. Please let us know if you have any further questions.​
    • EP
    • Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan

      We have a query regarding Denominator condition of CMS69v7:

      "Has Normal BMI" is not null
      or "Has High BMI with Follow Up"
      or "Has Low BMI with Follow Up"


      Has High BMI with Follow Up

      o Last(["Physical Exam, Performed": "Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio]"] LastBMI
      with "High BMI Follow Up Encounters" HighBMIEncounter
      such that LastBMI.relevantPeriod starts 12 months or less on or before end of HighBMIEncounter.relevantPeriod
      sort by authorDatetime
      ).result >= 25 'kg/m2'

      High BMI Follow Up Encounters

      o "Qualifying Encounters During the Measurement Period" QualifyingEncounter
      with ( ["Intervention, Order": "Above Normal Follow-up"]
      union ( ["Intervention, Order": "Referrals where weight assessment may occur"] Referral
      where Referral.reason in "Overweight or Obese"
      union ["Medication, Order": "Above Normal Medications"] ) HighBMIInterventions
      such that Coalesce(start of HighBMIInterventions.relevantPeriod, HighBMIInterventions.authorDatetime)12 months or less on or before end of QualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod

      Consider Patient P1 with 3 Visits:

      V1: 6/1/2019 – Qualifying Encounter During Reporting Period (1/1/2019 – 12/31/2019)
      V2: 7/1/2018 – Follow Up Encounter within 12 Months Prior to Qualifying Encounter
      V3: 8/1/2017 – Most Recent BMI 12 Months Prior to Follow Up Encounter

      Please confirm if above patient P1 will pass or not

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            vinaykumarp Vinay (Inactive)
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