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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-337

QRDA Encounter performed


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    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Pranjali Kamat
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      Using the same start time (low) and end time (high) for an event indicates that the event was an instant in time rather than an event with duration. Encounters have a duration associated with them as they can occur over several hours or several days.

      Capturing only one time rather than a start and end time may lead to issues in both QRDA validation and accurate measure calculation. For example, the DURING operator checks that one event is bounded by the start and end time of another event. If you restrict an encounter to an instant in time, calculating if events occur during an encounter based on relative timings may be problematic.

      Cypress cannot provide specific guidance on how an EHR should model QRDA data within their internal data structures. Cypress also does not control, define, or manage the structure or content of the QRDA. Feasibility issues with the QRDA should be directed to HL7.

      To avoid this problem, for EP measures having a constraint that anything happened DURING the encounter, would require a report that the encounter start and end time were two distinct times/dates.
      Using the same start time (low) and end time (high) for an event indicates that the event was an instant in time rather than an event with duration. Encounters have a duration associated with them as they can occur over several hours or several days. Capturing only one time rather than a start and end time may lead to issues in both QRDA validation and accurate measure calculation. For example, the DURING operator checks that one event is bounded by the start and end time of another event. If you restrict an encounter to an instant in time, calculating if events occur during an encounter based on relative timings may be problematic. Cypress cannot provide specific guidance on how an EHR should model QRDA data within their internal data structures. Cypress also does not control, define, or manage the structure or content of the QRDA. Feasibility issues with the QRDA should be directed to HL7. To avoid this problem, for EP measures having a constraint that anything happened DURING the encounter, would require a report that the encounter start and end time were two distinct times/dates.

      In most of the ambulatory EHR, there is only one date captured as encounter date, which as per my understanding will be the effective time low as well as high in QRDA file.
      Few EP measures has validation with encounter start and end date however the ambulatory EHR does not capture separate time. So for measure validation should the encounter date be considered as start as well as end?

            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
            pranjalij Pranjali Kamat (Inactive)
            Kimberly Schwartz (Inactive), Minet Javellana (Inactive), Patricia Lawson (Inactive)
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