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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-336

how to report performance rate of eMeasure which has multiple denominator and numerator


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    • Pranjali Kamat
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      For CQMs with multiple numerators and/or strata, it is anticipated that a patient/episode-of-care will be scored for inclusion/exclusion to every population. For example if a CQM has 3 numerators, if the patient is included in the Initial Patient Population, the patient should be scored for inclusion/exclusion in each numerator. Where strata are defined, patients/episodes of care should be scored for inclusion in each stratum for alignment with some CMS programs but stratified rates are not required for 2014 certification.

      Please see the information available in the implementation guide:
      For CQMs with multiple numerators and/or strata, it is anticipated that a patient/episode-of-care will be scored for inclusion/exclusion to every population. For example if a CQM has 3 numerators, if the patient is included in the Initial Patient Population, the patient should be scored for inclusion/exclusion in each numerator. Where strata are defined, patients/episodes of care should be scored for inclusion in each stratum for alignment with some CMS programs but stratified rates are not required for 2014 certification. Please see the information available in the implementation guide:   http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/2014_eCQM_Measure_Logic_Guidance.pdf

      Some measures have multiple denominators and/or numerators, does it require only one performance rate should be reported for each measure.

      If yes, then how to generate a single denominator/numerator when multiple are referenced in the measure specification.

            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
            pranjalij Pranjali Kamat (Inactive)
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