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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-309

Use of influenza vaccine.


    • Icon: Annual Update Annual Update
    • Resolution: Answered
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    • Howard Bregman
    • Vendor/EPIC
    • The AMA-PCPI team discussed this issue with Howard Bregman, and we agree this is an issue that should be addressed. This will be implemented in the next cycle of annual updates in 2014.

      The measure seeks to define the flu season. This is done by specifying an index encounter, �encounter A�, which occurs during the calendar months of the season:This construct makes sense, but the measure then ties the vaccine administration to the flu season by tying it to the encounter.
      OR: "Procedure, Performed: Influenza Vaccination" OR: "Medication, Administered: Influenza Vaccine"
      OR: "Communication: From Patient to Provider: Previous Receipt of Influenza Vaccine" during
      OR: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Encounter-Influenza" OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Hemodialysis"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: Peritoneal Dialysis"
      But if we follow this logic, the vaccine will only count if it is given, recorded, or an exception documented, during a qualifying encounter. This is too restrictive, it does not matter in what encounter these things were done, only that they be done during flu season.
      Also, this measure defines allergy to vaccine as:
      OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Allergy to eggs" OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Allergy to Influenza Vaccine"
      OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Intolerance to Influenza Vaccine" Whereas measure 117 (NQF 38) defines the very same allergy to influenza vaccine as:
      OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Anaphylactic Reaction to Influenza Vaccine" OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Anaphylactic Reaction to Neomycin"
      And the Stage 1 specs defined them this way:
      C:\Users\hbregman\Desktop\measure issues.doc - 3 - Last Saved: 11/14/2012 1:57:00 PM
      OR: �Medication intolerance: influenza vaccine�; OR: �Medication allergy: influenza vaccine�;
      OR: �Medication adverse effects: influenza vaccine�; OR: �Procedure adverse event: influenza vaccination�;
      OR: �Procedure intolerance: influenza vaccination�; OR: �Substance allergy: allergy to eggs�;

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
            Kevin Larsen (Inactive), Minet Javellana (Inactive), Saul Kravitz (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            21 Start watching this issue

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