Z92.82 (Status post administration of tPA (rtPA) in a different facility within the last 24 hours prior to admission to current facility) was added to the eCQM value set evaluated within eMeasure STK-72. However, this code was added to the procedure performed value set. Note, the associated code system is ICD10CM which represents diagnosis. Please consider updating the specification to evaluate this as a diagnosis vs. procedure. As this will not be coded as a procedure. Also, please consider modifying the timing criteria associated with this diagnosis to occur during the inpatient encounter. Even though this code represents the administration of a medication prior to the encounter, the diagnosis code will be applied during the inpatient encounter.
Z92.82 (Status post administration of tPA (rtPA) in a different facility within the last 24 hours prior to admission to current facility) was added to the eCQM value set evaluated within eMeasure STK-72. However, this code was added to the procedure performed value set. Note, the associated code system is ICD10CM which represents diagnosis. Please consider updating the specification to evaluate this as a diagnosis vs. procedure. As this will not be coded as a procedure. Also, please consider modifying the timing criteria associated with this diagnosis to occur during the inpatient encounter. Even though this code represents the administration of a medication prior to the encounter, the diagnosis code will be applied during the inpatient encounter.