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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-297

Lab result occurrence reporting


    • Icon: EC eCQMs EC eCQMs
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
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    • Howard Bregman
    • 608.271.9000
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      In implementation guide. When in doubt, follow explicit logic, not guidance. The OR NOT statement covers missing HBA1c, this is ORed with a requirement for the most recent HBA1C test during measurement period being >9%. The measure is correct.

      Implementation guide available at:


      The guide is also posted in the downloads section of the CMS EHR Incentive Program pages: CQMs (main page), 2014 CQMs, and Electronic Specifications. The title in the downloads section is:
      2014 eCQM Measure Logic Guidance v1.1 Jan 2013 [PDF, 704KB]

      In implementation guide. When in doubt, follow explicit logic, not guidance. The OR NOT statement covers missing HBA1c, this is ORed with a requirement for the most recent HBA1C test during measurement period being >9%. The measure is correct. Implementation guide available at: http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/2014_eCQM_Measure_Logic_Guidance.pdf The guide is also posted in the downloads section of the CMS EHR Incentive Program pages: CQMs (main page), 2014 CQMs, and Electronic Specifications. The title in the downloads section is: 2014 eCQM Measure Logic Guidance v1.1 Jan 2013 [PDF, 704KB]
    • CMS52v1/NQF0405

      The specifications refer in several places to the end of a laboratory test result. The end of a result is not clearly defined. A lab test represents an instant in time, the time when the specimen was drawn.

      We believe this is the only use of �end of "Occurrence A of Laboratory Test, Result� in any measure specification. Please refer to how other measures handle this kind of criterion, and make this consistent with the others.

            Sacca_Michael Mike Sacca (Inactive)
            hbregman Howard Bregman
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