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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-295

Aspirin Prescribed at Discharge


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Fixed/Complete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Inbox
    • None
    • Karen Nielsen
    • 610-219-5066
    • Vendor/Siemens
    • This issue was corrected for the April 2013 update. The new VS contain drug ingredient codes rather than specific drug entities to code for allergies.
    • CMS100v3/NQF142

      Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients who are prescribed aspirin at hospital discharge. Issue One The document intent appears to be oriented at aspirin at the time of discharge, i.e., prescriptions Description - Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients who are prescribed aspirin at hospital discharge. However the data and logic includes ordered medications or aspirin administered during stay:
      "Medication, Active: Hospital Measures-Aspirin" using "Hospital Measures-Aspirin RxNorm Value Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.666.5.626)",
      "Medication, Order: Hospital Measures-Aspirin" using "Hospital Measures-Aspirin RxNorm Value Set (2.16.840.1.113883.3.666.5.626)"
      We suggest that active medications during the stay are not included in the data set, only those prescribed at discharge.

      Issue Two - The logic references allergies to aspirin in the exclusions.
      OR: "Medication, Allergy: Hospital Measures-Aspirin" starts before or during "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Hospital Measures-Encounter Inpatient"
      The value sets involved maps to drug formulation. However, FDB, one of the primary providers of medication related allergy value sets only provides this information based on active ingredients. There is no mapping between allergies based on active ingredients and allergies based on formulations. Every software developer and possibly providers using FDB would have to create this mapping to support the CQM definitions.
      We suggest that CQM definitions provide the alternative value sets. We suggest that either the definition is fixed, or that the measure be withdrawn as the definition does not properly reflect the intent of the measure.

            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
            siemens Siemens (Inactive)
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