Thank you for reporting this issue. The measure intends to include statins that are continued to be taken or prescribed at discharge, and the value set includes RxNorm semantic clinical drug codes to represent these medications. We encourage you to discuss with your vendor, as this sounds like an implementation issue with how these medications are being mapped in your reporting system. If you do find that our value set is missing appropriate RxNorm codes for medications, please report those to us and we will be glad to review them.
Thank you for reporting this issue. The measure intends to include statins that are continued to be taken or prescribed at discharge, and the value set includes RxNorm semantic clinical drug codes to represent these medications. We encourage you to discuss with your vendor, as this sounds like an implementation issue with how these medications are being mapped in your reporting system. If you do find that our value set is missing appropriate RxNorm codes for medications, please report those to us and we will be glad to review them.