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    • Renee Rookwood
    • 703-983-0047
    • MITRE
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      Age Calculation Conventions & Logic Guidance
      Developers must use the following conventions in Table 9-2 in conjunction with Appendix 9c1 and Appendix 9c2 when developing the age logic for eMeasures intended to be used in CMS programs. This will ensure standardization and allow for unambiguous interpretation. The appendices provide definitions for time units and intervals and time interval calculation conventions. These conventions are intended to standardize the time calculation units for durations, which include age (e.g., the difference between two date/time elements, typically with time relationships defined in the QDM, such as “starts after start of” and “ends before start of”).

      For appendices and additional information see: http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/MMS/Downloads/BlueprintVolume1-combined-v92.pdf
      Age Calculation Conventions & Logic Guidance Developers must use the following conventions in Table 9-2 in conjunction with Appendix 9c1 and Appendix 9c2 when developing the age logic for eMeasures intended to be used in CMS programs. This will ensure standardization and allow for unambiguous interpretation. The appendices provide definitions for time units and intervals and time interval calculation conventions. These conventions are intended to standardize the time calculation units for durations, which include age (e.g., the difference between two date/time elements, typically with time relationships defined in the QDM, such as “starts after start of” and “ends before start of”). For appendices and additional information see: http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/MMS/Downloads/BlueprintVolume1-combined-v92.pdf

      Because of the way the eMIG has decided to represent dates, the way we have our measures that use age ranges are slightly off from what we intended. I've learned this through talking with the NCQA team and folks at Telligen. So using the dental measures with the patients from the MITRE test deck as an example, we use:

      Birthdate SBS Measurement Period <= 20 years

      The only people that would be included in the population would be those whose birth date was 01/01/1990 or later (assuming MP start date = 01/01/2010). So therefore the patient with the birthdate 01/01/1989 would not be included.
      � 01/01/2010 minus 20 years = 01/01/1990
      This would mean that people who are 20 years and 1 day or 20 years and 6 months are not included in the measure. Again this is based on how eMIG�s latest interpretation of how to interpret dates. I think this warrants further discussion because, for the example I used, we�re missing the whole population of 20 year olds who aren�t 20 years old to the day. This affects more than just HITECH measures.

            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
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