
    • Icon: Annual Update Annual Update
    • Resolution: Incomplete
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    • Caitlin Davis
    • Contractor/Mathematica
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      This measure is not defining the end of a result. While we cannot define the end of a result as this term is part of the QDM, which is owned by NQF, the intent of the measure is to use this term to indicate the time when the lab test result is available to the provider. That might be a question for NQF and/or the eMIG to help address and to clarify or improve at the annual update.
      This measure is not defining the end of a result. While we cannot define the end of a result as this term is part of the QDM, which is owned by NQF, the intent of the measure is to use this term to indicate the time when the lab test result is available to the provider. That might be a question for NQF and/or the eMIG to help address and to clarify or improve at the annual update.

      This measure ensures qualifying HIV positive patients receive Pneumocystis prophylaxis. The specifications refer in several places to the end of a laboratory test result. The end of a result is not clearly defined. A lab test represents an instant in time, the time when the specimen was drawn. We believe this is the only use of �end of "Occurrence A of Laboratory Test, Result� in any measure specification. Please refer to how other measures handle this kind of criterion, and make this consistent with the others.

            Sacca_Michael Mike Sacca (Inactive)
            julia.skapik Julia Skapik (Inactive)
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