Closed out issue: - Need further clarification. Clarification does not match logic outlined.
Stratum for Patient ages do not align for any of the eCQM measures looking for age stratification. Please clarify output of logic and verbiage for Stratification Total Score to be displayed?
CMS126v4/NQF 0036 : Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma
eCQM specification:
Stratification 1 =Stratification Report a total score
AND: Age >= 5 year(s) at: "Measurement Period" Stratum 1: Patients age 5-11
AND: Age < 11 year(s) at: "Measurement Period"
Stratification 2 =
AND: Age >= 11 year(s) at: "Measurement Period" Stratum 2: Patients age 12-18
AND: Age < 18 year(s) at: "Measurement Period"
Stratification 3 =
AND: Age >= 18 year(s) at: "Measurement Period" Stratum 3: Patients age 19-50
AND: Age < 50 year(s) at: "Measurement Period"
Stratification 4 =
AND: Age >= 50 year(s) at: "Measurement Period" Stratum 4: Patients age 51-64
AND: Age < 64 year(s) at: "Measurement Period"
Based on the Logic the stratum does not align correctly:
Patients by Birth Date Based on the Logic the Report total score should be
01/01/XXXX = 5 Stratum 1: Patients age 5 - 10
12/31/XXXX = 10
01/01/XXXX = 11 Stratum 2: Patients age 11 - 17
12/31/XXXX = 17
01/01/XXXX = 18 Stratum 3: Patients age 18 - 49
12/31/XXXX = 49
01/01/XXXX = 50 Stratum 4: Patients age 50 - 63
12/31/XXXX = 63