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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-2139

Modeling palliative care with ICD


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      Thank you for your feedback. Measure developers will be reviewing the recommendation to add the ICD-10 concept and further harmonize the value sets with their review boards. In addition, we will be discussing opportunities to clarify our intent with the terms palliative, hospice, and comfort care. Approved changes will be implemented into the measures in the 2017 Annual Update.
      Thank you for your feedback. Measure developers will be reviewing the recommendation to add the ICD-10 concept and further harmonize the value sets with their review boards. In addition, we will be discussing opportunities to clarify our intent with the terms palliative, hospice, and comfort care. Approved changes will be implemented into the measures in the 2017 Annual Update.
    • CMS69v5/NQF0421, CMS159v5/NQF0710, CMS160v5/NQF0712, CMS61v6/NQFna, CMS64v6/NQFna, CMS149v5/NQFna
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      Introduce additional logic:

      Potentially two solutions using one of the following QDM categories:
      1) Diagnosis Active: Palliative Care
      2) Encounter performed: Palliative Care
      Please indicate your preferred solution by posting a comment.
      Introduce additional logic: Potentially two solutions using one of the following QDM categories: 1) Diagnosis Active: Palliative Care Or 2) Encounter performed: Palliative Care   Please indicate your preferred solution by posting a comment.
    • No Changes to proposed recommendations.

      To harmonize palliative care values sets across measures, QIP has removed ICD child value sets from their palliative care grouping value set. Feedback from the field indicates that ICD codes are prevalent. To appropriately model the use of ICD codes to capture palliative care, additional logic may be required.

      Additionally, any further feedback or comments in regards to the appropriateness of ICD-10 code Z51.5 “ encounter for palliative care” for capturing a patient receiving palliate care is welcomed.

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