Implementation Problem
Resolution: Answered
I would like guidance on how to interpret the timeframes for the encounter, the BMI, and the intervention/follow-up for CMS 69v3: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan.
I understand that we want to always look to the most recent BMI if there is more than one recorded. However, I want a more explicitly defined timeframe for this BMI. Is the date that the BMI must be recorded defined by the encounter/CPT code? Does the BMI have to be on or within six months prior to the encounter? If there is a BMI recorded that occurs after the specified CPT code, but within the reporting period, do we still count this BMI? In addition, I want to better understand the timeframe for the intervention or follow-up. Is this timeframe defined by the qualifying encounter/CPT codes or is it defined by the date of the out of range BMI?
For example, take the reporting period defined as 1/1/2015-12/31/2015, and a patient who had an encounter with one of the qualifying CPT codes on 3/31/2015.
1) Is the BMI timeframe defined as six months before a qualifying encounter/CPT code (3/31/2015)?
2) If this is the timeframe, a BMI recorded on 9/1/2014 would qualify for the measure, but a BMI recorded on 8/31/2014 would not qualify for this measure. Is this reasoning correct?
3) If the patient has a more recent BMI recorded (let’s say on 10/1/2015), but the only qualifying CPT code this patient has during the reporting period is on 3/31/2015, does this more recent BMI recorded on 10/1/2015 still count towards this measure? Or would we still default back to the BMI recorded on 9/1/2014?
4) If the BMI recorded on 9/1/2014 was out of range, does the date of this BMI define the timeframe for intervention? Would the intervention timeframe in this example be six months prior to 9/1/2014?
5) OR is the intervention timeframe defined by the qualifying encounter with the specific CPT codes? If this is the case, then does the intervention have to occur within six months prior to 3/31/2015, no matter when the BMI is recorded?
6) If we can, in fact, count a BMI recorded after a qualifying encounter/CPT code, then does the date of this BMI define the intervention period? For example, if the most recent BMI documented occurs on 10/1/2015, is the intervention timeframe within six months prior to this date?
7) OR would the intervention timeframe be six months prior to 3/31/2015 up to the date of the recorded BMI (10/1/2015)?
Thank you.