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  2. CQM-1726

CMS136:Need understanding for multiple medication active on same day scenario consideration


    • Icon: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
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    • Mangala Mayekar
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      Thank you for your question. According to the QDM, Cumulative medication duration should generally be calculated as the number of doses in the interval of interest, divided by the doses per day. In addition, you cannot count a single calendar day more than once. So, in your example, the patient is on the medication for only 30 unique days (October 10 - 30).
      Thank you for your question. According to the QDM, Cumulative medication duration should generally be calculated as the number of doses in the interval of interest, divided by the doses per day. In addition, you cannot count a single calendar day more than once. So, in your example, the patient is on the medication for only 30 unique days (October 10 - 30).
    • CMS136v4/NQF0108
    • High

      Document states
      Initial Patient Population 2 :
      OR: "Occurrence A of Medication, Active: ADHD Medications (cumulative medication duration >= 210 day(s))" starts after start of "Occurrence A of Medication, Dispensed: ADHD Medications"
      OR: "Occurrence A of Medication, Active: ADHD Medications (cumulative medication duration >= 210 day(s))" starts concurrent with "Occurrence A of Medication, Dispensed: ADHD Medications
      Scenario:If a patient has multiple Medication, Active on same date ie 1)Medication Active startdate 10th October 2014 10:00:00 AM and Enddate as 20th October 10:00:00 AM
      2)Medication Active startdate 10th October 2014 18:00:00 AM and Enddate as 30th October 10:00:00 AM
      then do we need to consider both the medications for cumulative calculation or medication with max date needs to be consider?

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            mangalam Mangala (Inactive)
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