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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1475

CMS55 and CMS111, where do you attribute result with cross CCN transfer?


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Guidance, Measure
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      These two measures are measuring inpatient encounters that were preceded by an emergency department visit that completed within an hour before the inpatient encounter began. It is possible that CCN 2 is reporting the measure even though the duration in the ED and the duration to admit decision reflects the care process at a different CCN where the ED visit actually occurred (CCN 1).
      These two measures are measuring inpatient encounters that were preceded by an emergency department visit that completed within an hour before the inpatient encounter began. It is possible that CCN 2 is reporting the measure even though the duration in the ED and the duration to admit decision reflects the care process at a different CCN where the ED visit actually occurred (CCN 1).
    • CMS111v3/NQF0497, CMS55v3/NQF0495
    • Uncertainty in where to attribute measure result.
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      After the helpful input from the CRP, the final recommendations are:

      1. Measure Populations, Exclusions, and Observations
      a. Measure Population:
      i. ED-1(CMS55) and ED-2(CMS111): Use new timing to account for possible gap in Observation Status
      ii. ED-3(CMS32): Remove exclusion for ED Visits that are not part of a larger “episode of care” and move to measure exclusion
      b. Measure Exclusion
      i. ED-1(CMS55) and ED-2(CMS111): Add exclusion for ED Visits transferred from another hospital setting
      ii. ED-3(CMS32): Add exclusion for ED Visits that are part of a larger episode of care.”
      c. Measure Observation
      i. ED-1 (CMS55) and ED-2 (CMS111): Use Facility Location Arrival Datetime
      ii. ED-1 (CMS55): Use Facility Location Departure Datetime with clarified definition
      iii. ED-3 (CMS32): No Change.
      2. Stratification
      a. ED-2(CMS55) and ED-2(CMS111):
      i. Stratum 1: Primary Diagnosis is a Mental Health Disorder
      ii. Stratum 2: Primary Diagnosis is NOT a Mental Health Disorder

      b. ED-3(CMS32):
      i. Stratum 1: Primary Diagnosis is a Mental Health Disorder
      ii. Stratum 2: Transferred to an Acute Care or VA hospital within 6 hours of the end of the ED visit
      iii. Stratum 3: Primary Diagnosis is NOT a Mental Health Disorder AND NOT transferred to an Acute Care or VA hospital within 6 hours of the end of the ED visit
      iv. Stratum 4: Primary Diagnosis is a Mental Health Disorder AND transferred to an Acute Care or VA hospital within 6 hours of the end of the ED visit
      After the helpful input from the CRP, the final recommendations are: 1. Measure Populations, Exclusions, and Observations a. Measure Population: i. ED-1(CMS55) and ED-2(CMS111): Use new timing to account for possible gap in Observation Status ii. ED-3(CMS32): Remove exclusion for ED Visits that are not part of a larger “episode of care” and move to measure exclusion b. Measure Exclusion i. ED-1(CMS55) and ED-2(CMS111): Add exclusion for ED Visits transferred from another hospital setting ii. ED-3(CMS32): Add exclusion for ED Visits that are part of a larger episode of care.” c. Measure Observation i. ED-1 (CMS55) and ED-2 (CMS111): Use Facility Location Arrival Datetime ii. ED-1 (CMS55): Use Facility Location Departure Datetime with clarified definition iii. ED-3 (CMS32): No Change. 2. Stratification a. ED-2(CMS55) and ED-2(CMS111): i. Stratum 1: Primary Diagnosis is a Mental Health Disorder ii. Stratum 2: Primary Diagnosis is NOT a Mental Health Disorder b. ED-3(CMS32): i. Stratum 1: Primary Diagnosis is a Mental Health Disorder ii. Stratum 2: Transferred to an Acute Care or VA hospital within 6 hours of the end of the ED visit iii. Stratum 3: Primary Diagnosis is NOT a Mental Health Disorder AND NOT transferred to an Acute Care or VA hospital within 6 hours of the end of the ED visit iv. Stratum 4: Primary Diagnosis is a Mental Health Disorder AND transferred to an Acute Care or VA hospital within 6 hours of the end of the ED visit
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      Support making these changes 10/46 ( 22%)
      Don’t support making these changes 1/46 ( 2%)
      Not sure, need more time to consider the proposed changes 5/46 ( 11%)
      Did not vote on this issue: 31/46 (65%)
      Support making these changes 10/46 ( 22%) Don’t support making these changes 1/46 ( 2%) Not sure, need more time to consider the proposed changes 5/46 ( 11%) Did not vote on this issue: 31/46 (65%)

      If a patient arrived in an emergency department in CCN 1 and is later discharged and readmitted to an IP unit in CCN 2, should the ED measure result be attributed to CCN 1? CCN 2? Or neither?

      Since the measure is in reference to the facility and the facility's ED, it's unclear whether or not the measure result should be attributed to CCN 2 (the IP CCN) since that is the "facility" even though the ED they came from in CCN 1 was not a part of that same facility.

      Please advise.

        1. 5a_CRP_20151110_CCN-ED v6_For CRP.pptx
          201 kB
          Mathematica EH eCQM Team
        2. CRP_20150917_CCN-ED v5.pptx
          164 kB
          Mathematica EH eCQM Team

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            mbozile Matt Bozile (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue

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