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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1431

Difference between Gestational Age at Delivery and Birth Value Sets


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • Deb Hall
    • 781-821-3000
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      Thank you for the opportunity to clarify our intent. The two codes are intended to represent two distinct concepts. In Elective Delivery, the measure evaluates care provided to the mother. As the subject is the mother, the relevant action is delivery. From a workflow perspective, estimated gestational age at delivery could and should be documented in the mother’s chart well before the delivery event, and should be considered when planning an elective delivery. In Breast Milk Feeding, the subject is the newborn and the action is birth. This information would be recorded in the infant’s record, not the mother’s.

      We would be interested in feedback from the field on how this information is documented in mother vs. baby records and whether the use of these codes is viewed as semantically distinct.
      Thank you for the opportunity to clarify our intent. The two codes are intended to represent two distinct concepts. In Elective Delivery, the measure evaluates care provided to the mother. As the subject is the mother, the relevant action is delivery. From a workflow perspective, estimated gestational age at delivery could and should be documented in the mother’s chart well before the delivery event, and should be considered when planning an elective delivery. In Breast Milk Feeding, the subject is the newborn and the action is birth. This information would be recorded in the infant’s record, not the mother’s. We would be interested in feedback from the field on how this information is documented in mother vs. baby records and whether the use of these codes is viewed as semantically distinct.
    • CMS113v3/NQF0469, CMS9v3/NQF0480
    • Clinicians must record the same information twice using two separate SNOMED codes.

      Elective Delivery (CMS 113) uses value set 2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1045.26 ("Estimated Gestational Age at Delivery") while Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding (CMS 9) uses value set 2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1045.47 ("Estimated Gestational Age at Birth") to express the gestational age in weeks at time of delivery/birth. Both value sets have a different SNOMED code.

      Is there a particular reason why two separate value sets with two separate SNOMED codes are used in these situations? To report on both measures, clinicians will have to build two different processes to capture the same information.

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            dhall Deb Hall (Inactive)
            Susan Wisnieski (Inactive)
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