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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1377

CMS188v3 - One encounter has 2 facility location


    • Icon: EH/CAH eCQMs EH/CAH eCQMs
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Major Major
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      Thank you for your question. The 2 attributes were replaced by a value set with a concept representing "ICU Admission or Transfer" along with timing operators to better represent the intent of the measure. This was done as part of the 2014 eligible hospital annual update.
      In addition, it has been determined that Occurrence B of the Encounter Inpatient is not necessary as this is an episode of care measure which looks at only one episode of care, Occurrence A of the Encounter Inpatient. The Occurrence B of the Encounter Inpatient data element and the associated logic will be removed during the next eligible hospital eCQM annual update. Please refer to Jira tickets CQM-1194 and CQM-1198.
      Thank you for your question. The 2 attributes were replaced by a value set with a concept representing "ICU Admission or Transfer" along with timing operators to better represent the intent of the measure. This was done as part of the 2014 eligible hospital annual update. In addition, it has been determined that Occurrence B of the Encounter Inpatient is not necessary as this is an episode of care measure which looks at only one episode of care, Occurrence A of the Encounter Inpatient. The Occurrence B of the Encounter Inpatient data element and the associated logic will be removed during the next eligible hospital eCQM annual update. Please refer to Jira tickets CQM-1194 and CQM-1198 .
    • CMS188v4/NQF0147

      I am confusing the follow logic:
      AND: "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Encounter Inpatient (facility location arrival datetime, facility location: 'Hospital Measures-Non-ICU Locations')" starts before start of "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Encounter Inpatient (facility location arrival datetime, facility location: 'Hospital Measures-ICU Locations')"
      Does it mean one encounter may have two facility locations or the occurrence of the second encounter must be B (not A) ?
      Because the generated data from Cypress does not have any of this case, so It makes me confused.
      Please give me advice

            JLeflore Mathematica EH eCQM Team
            kiet.tran kiettran (Inactive)
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