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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1228

The numerator should also allow "Procedure, Performed: Mammogram" with mammogram procedure codes for mapping.


    • Icon: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • Measure
    • Thank you for the feedback, We would like to expand the numerator to include mammogram performed for the next annual update.
    • Data capture

      The numerator is written to only include "Diagnostic Study, Result: Mammogram (result)" to show mammogram screen was performed. Since diagnostic studies are most often not "resulted" but are reported as impressions or as findings within a providers note, it is not feasible to only allow the result to show a screening was completed. The numerator should also allow "Procedure, Performed: Mammogram" with mammogram procedure codes for mapping. NQF 34 - Colorectal Cancer Screening is a similar measure and allows both results and procedure performed to satisfy the numerator.

            edave Mathematica EC eCQM Team
            jbradfo2 Jill Bradford-Shuemaker (Inactive)
            Jill Bradford-Shuemaker (Inactive)
            Colin Andrew Banas (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue

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