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  1. eCQM Issue Tracker
  2. CQM-1074

CMS 165 - NQF 0018 - Controlling High Blood Pressure


    • Icon: Other Other
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Certification, Measure
    • None
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      Here is the calculation for this patient:

      Per CMS Blueprint v10, page 193:
      1. Day (date 2) >= day (date 1)
      Duration (months) = (year (date 2) - year (date 1))*12 + (month (date 2) - (month date 1))
      7/1/2012 (Date 2) and 1/1/2012 (Date1) = (2012-2012)*12 + (7-1) = 6
      7/31/2012 (Date 2) and 1/1/2012 (Date 1) = (2012-2012)*12 + (7-1) = 6
      8/1/2012 (Date 2) and 1/1/2012 (Date1) = (2012-2012)*12 + (8-1) = 7

      Therefore this patient is in the Initial Patient Population.
      Here is the calculation for this patient: Per CMS Blueprint v10, page 193: 1. Day (date 2) >= day (date 1) Duration (months) = (year (date 2) - year (date 1))*12 + (month (date 2) - (month date 1)) Examples: 7/1/2012 (Date 2) and 1/1/2012 (Date1) = (2012-2012)*12 + (7-1) = 6 7/31/2012 (Date 2) and 1/1/2012 (Date 1) = (2012-2012)*12 + (7-1) = 6 8/1/2012 (Date 2) and 1/1/2012 (Date1) = (2012-2012)*12 + (8-1) = 7 Therefore this patient is in the Initial Patient Population.
    • CMS165v1/NQF0018
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      1. CMS 165/ NQF 0018:
      In the CQM criteria CMS 165/NQF 0018: "Controlling High Blood Pressure", patient "Jessica Dean" is counted in Initial patient population even though it does not have active diagnosis within first 6 months of the reporting period.
      The cypress tool/report shows that this patient should be counted in Initial patient population.

      Below is the brief details for the initial population for this criteria:

      “Patients 18-85 years of age who had a diagnosis of essential hypertension within the first six months of the measurement period or any time prior to the measurement period”. As per the attached test patient is diagnosed with Hypertension on July 1, 2012 which is beyond the initial six months of the reporting period. Please let us know if our interpretation of this criteria is incorrect.

      Please let us know how do address this issue.
      1. CMS 165/ NQF 0018: In the CQM criteria CMS 165/NQF 0018: "Controlling High Blood Pressure", patient "Jessica Dean" is counted in Initial patient population even though it does not have active diagnosis within first 6 months of the reporting period. The cypress tool/report shows that this patient should be counted in Initial patient population. Below is the brief details for the initial population for this criteria: “Patients 18-85 years of age who had a diagnosis of essential hypertension within the first six months of the measurement period or any time prior to the measurement period”. As per the attached test patient is diagnosed with Hypertension on July 1, 2012 which is beyond the initial six months of the reporting period. Please let us know if our interpretation of this criteria is incorrect. Please let us know how do address this issue.

      1. 0_Jessica_Dean.html
        15 kB
        Smitesh Shah
      2. Controlling_High_Blood_Pressure.png
        31 kB
        Smitesh Shah

          rtallapragada Ramya Tallapragada (Inactive)
          sshah Smitesh Shah (Inactive)
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