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  1. BONNIE MAT MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. BONNIEMAT-1641

Display of functions in human readable


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Deferred for Future Release
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None

      Per 7/25/2023 FHIR Measure Collaboration Call, attendees noticed that the fluent functions referenced in a measure are not displayed in the MADiE measure export HTML file.

      For example, this is not showing up in the HTML file:

      define fluent function isDeviceOrder(DeviceRequest List<DeviceRequest>):
        DeviceRequest D
          where D.status in { 'active', 'completed' }
            and D.intent = 'order 

      However, this is referenced in a library definition used by the measure.

      define "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty":
        exists ( (([DeviceRequest: "Frailty Device"]).isDeviceOrder()) FrailtyDeviceOrder
            where FrailtyDeviceOrder.doNotPerform() is not true
            and FrailtyDeviceOrder.authoredOn.toInterval() during day of "Measurement Period"
          or exists ( (([Observation: "Medical equipment used"]).isAssessmentPerformed()) EquipmentUsed
              where EquipmentUsed.value as Concept in "Frailty Device" 
              and EquipmentUsed.effective.toInterval() ends during day of "Measurement Period"
          or exists ( ([Condition: "Frailty Diagnosis"]) FrailtyDiagnosis
              where FrailtyDiagnosis.prevalenceInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period"
          or exists ( (([Encounter: "Frailty Encounter"]).isEncounterPerformed()) FrailtyEncounter
              where FrailtyEncounter.period.toInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period"
          or exists ( (([Observation: "Frailty Symptom"]).isSymptom()) FrailtySymptom
              where FrailtySymptom.effective.toInterval() overlaps "Measurement Period"
      define "Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty":
        ( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period")in Interval[66, 80]
            and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty"
            and ( "Has Two Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness on Different Dates of Service"
                or "Has Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness"
                or "Has Dementia Medications in Year Before or During Measurement Period"
          or ( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period")>= 81
              and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty"
      define "Denominator Exclusions":
        Hospice."Has Hospice Services"
          or exists ( "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis" )
          or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures" )
          or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter" )
          or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty"
          or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home"
          or PalliativeCare."Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period" 

            cbartleman@telligen.com Chandra Bartleman
            dlee38 Dorothy Lee
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