1. There will be no demonstration of 360X at HIMSS. Two related reasons:
    • The time between Connectathon and HIMSS was too short to successfully add the newly tested profile
    • There were not enough participants who could commit to participating in a demo  at HIMSS

2. Future plans:

  • Public statement/release from IHE – request quote from ONC leadership (by April)
  • Review Standards Advisory for individual referral listing (by April)
  • Webinar for promotion (Vassil to talk to IHE USA - make a decision  by 3/2)
  • Live demonstrations - make decision by 3/2
  • One-day testing sessions (Connectathon) - make decision by 3/2
  • Update ONC Interop proving ground listing (Tiffany by April)

3. List of outstanding updates to the Implementation Guide:

  • sections 6, 7, and appendices
    • HL7 v2 vocabulary
      • update the spreadsheet
      • import in the Google doc
      • represent in the message structure
    • XD Metadata
      • review spreadsheet
      • incorporate in the IG
    • Section 7 - fill out the meat
    • review the IHE profile and synchronize with the IG
  • No labels