Blog from February, 2018

We outlined more details on the items we discussed last time.

We will start adding minutes (and announcements) to the Blog area at

  1. Online testing:
    1. Target for middle of April
    2. Ron to work on scenario
    3. Once successful testing has occurred, record a webinar
  2. Tiffany and Brett are working on the ONC Interop proving grounds
  3. Vassil to check if any 360X testing will be done at the IHE Europe Connectathion.
  4. Implementation Guide Work items
    1. IG Work section 6
      1. 6.1.1 Confirm that it is generated from a spreadsheet
      2. 6.1.1 HLY typo
      3. 6.1.2 fill out
      4. 6.1.3 fill out
      5. 6.2 - pull content from IHE profile, explaining hierarchy of decision on which document type to use
      6. 6.2.1 review and incorporate spreadsheets
      7. 6.2.2 review and incorporate spreadsheet
      8. 6.3 - add explanatory text to the tables
      9. 6.3 - add scheduling events
    2. IG Work section 7
      1. add appropriate examples (may wait until Testing session)
      2. metadata requirements - pull from IHE Profile.
      3. 7.5.1 missing figure
      4. Add additional scheduling types
    3. IG Work Appendix A
      1. Get information form Google spreadsheet
    4. IG Work Appendix B
      1. Pull in existing work in CDA sections/templates
      2. Sync with IHE profile
    5. IG Work Appendix C
      1. Complete document with vocabulary, and data type descriptions, and scheduling events
      2. Use new feature in Google Docs to create a version 1.0 of the document
    6. IG Work Appendix D
      1. Add Clinical content appropriate for the example.


  1. There will be no demonstration of 360X at HIMSS. Two related reasons:
    • The time between Connectathon and HIMSS was too short to successfully add the newly tested profile
    • There were not enough participants who could commit to participating in a demo  at HIMSS

2. Future plans:

  • Public statement/release from IHE – request quote from ONC leadership (by April)
  • Review Standards Advisory for individual referral listing (by April)
  • Webinar for promotion (Vassil to talk to IHE USA - make a decision  by 3/2)
  • Live demonstrations - make decision by 3/2
  • One-day testing sessions (Connectathon) - make decision by 3/2
  • Update ONC Interop proving ground listing (Tiffany by April)

3. List of outstanding updates to the Implementation Guide:

  • sections 6, 7, and appendices
    • HL7 v2 vocabulary
      • update the spreadsheet
      • import in the Google doc
      • represent in the message structure
    • XD Metadata
      • review spreadsheet
      • incorporate in the IG
    • Section 7 - fill out the meat
    • review the IHE profile and synchronize with the IG