
The next testing session is on Thursday, June 14th.

When: 10 am Eastern Time to 5 pm Eastern time (times may be slotted for particular testing, but we plan to start all together).

Tentative schedule

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 7 am Pacific: Initial call-in and confirming the schedule

1pm Eastern/ Noon Central/ 10 am Pacific: 1st check-in call, status updates

3 pm Eastern/ 2 pm Central/noon Pacific: Final check-in call, wrap up

How: We will use this Webex link to help with communications during testing. Meeting Number is 992 095 345, if prompted. Audio Connection: 202.774.2300, Access Code: 992 095 345

What: Iron out Direct communications, test out workflows as described in Appendix D of the 360X Implementation Guide, test handling of possible error conditions:

  • Initiator receives a referral accept message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral decline message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral complete message (close the loop) without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message after previously receiving referral complete message (close the loop)
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with correct referral ID, but different patient ID
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with unknown referral identifier

Short meeting with the following updates:

  1. Testing was continuing on exchanging messages between different HISPs. We discovered some properties that need to be corrected in the Epic certificates, and will continue testing after this meeting
  2. The ONC Interoperability Forum will be on August 6th to 8th in Washington DC. there will be an opportunity to present updates on the 360X project, and possibly have a demo. Details will be discussed as information becomes available.
  3. For the testing on Thursday, June 14, we will test messages to Epic, and scrutinize the contents of the XDM packages.

Current participants in the 360X project are planning another testing session on Wednesday, June 6th.

When: 10 am Eastern Time to 5 pm Eastern time (times may be slotted for particular testing, but we plan to start all together).

Tentative schedule

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 7 am Pacific: Initial call-in and confirming the schedule

noon Eastern/ 11 am Central/ 9 am Pacific: 1st check-in call, status updates

2 pm Eastern/ 1 pm Central/ 11 am Pacific: 2nd check-in call, status updates

4 pm Eastern/ 3 pm Central/ 1 pm Pacific: Final check-in call, wrap up

How: We will use this Webex link to help with communications during testing. Meeting Number is 998 389 746, if prompted. Audio Connection: 202.774.2300, Access Code: 998 389 746

What: Iron out Direct communications, test out workflows as described in Appendix D of the 360X Implementation Guide, test handling of possible error conditions:

  • Initiator receives a referral accept message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral decline message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral complete message (close the loop) without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message after previously receiving referral complete message (close the loop)
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with correct referral ID, but different patient ID
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with unknown referral identifier


  1. Testing preparation continues, making sure cross-HISP connectivity is working. The schedule for testing will be posted shortly.
    1. Epic to make sure individual address certificates are available
    2. Netsmart will most likely participate
    3. Allscripts will most likely observe
  2. The might be an ONC Interoperability Forum during the first half of August. Last year we did a presentation on 360X. This year, if there is such a meeting, there might be an opportunity to do a demo. Once there is clarity on that, we will discuss what and how to demonstrate.
  3. The HIMSS 19 Interoperability Showcase signup has started. If your organization has signed up by June 1st, you can propose scenarios (aka Use Cases) to include 360X.
  4. There was some interest expressed by IHE PCC to create a "parallel" profile for 360X using FHIR. Using FHIR for workflows is an uncharted territory, and only rudimentary foundations are currently available. One reason to undertake such an effort would be to make sure that there is a comprehensive implementation guide for the 360X functionality, as opposed to trying to put together non-interoperable bits and pieces created for ad-hoc purposes. For those interested in how FHIR approaches workflows, a basic referral example is already part of the specification


Short call - in-between IHE committee meetings, and HL7 Working group meeting.

Work continues on cross-HISP communications.

Next call is before Memorial Day, but will still take place.

We discussed the following:

  1. Recap of testing:
    1. same HISP worked, the two participants sharing the HISP were able to test the scenario
    2. XDR worked (as it did at the Connectathon)
    3. Need to resolve multi-HISP connectivity
    4. A slightly different issue is the need to manage both organizational-level certificates and direct address-level certificates.
    5. Dmitry Shalimov (NextGen) will start a list of test cases to address commonly expected failures (e.g. an accept that has the wrong referral ID or patient id)
    6. Work on resolution of communications issues between now and next testing session.
    7. Next testing sessions - Wednesday, June 6, 2018, Thursday, June 14, 2018
      1. First session still to focus on successful connectivity, and the possible failures from Dmitry's list
      2. Second session to focus on content, in particular the C-CDA content
  2. Documentation
    1. Individual-level vs organizational-level certificates
    2. HL7 v2 data type flavors
    3. Make sure the metadata is appropriately reflected on the Wiki.



Current participants in the 360X project are planning a testing session.

When: 10 am Eastern Time to 5 pm Eastern time (times may be slotted for particular testing, but we plan to start all together).

Tentative schedule

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 7 am Pacific: Initial call-in and confirming the schedule

1 pm Eastern/ Noon Central 10 am Pacific: 1st check-in call, status updates

4:30 pm Eastern/ 3:30 pm Central/ 1:30 Pacific: 2nd check-in call. status updates

How: For Tuesday, April 17, we will use this Webex link to meet. (Meeting Number is 993 472 833, if prompted. Audio Connection: 202.774.2300, Access Code: 993 472 833)

What: Finish connectivity testing, and attempt scenario testing.

Current participants in the 360X project are planning a testing session to establish connectivity, and prepare for the second stage of testing on April 17th.

When: 10 am Eastern Time to 5 pm Eastern time (times may be slotted for particular testing, but we plan to start all together).

Tentative schedule

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 7 am Pacific: Initial call-in and confirming the schedule

1 pm Eastern/ Noon Central 10 am Pacific: 1st check-in call, status updates

4:30 pm Eastern/ 3:30 pm Central/ 1:30 Pacific: 2nd check-in call. status updates

How: For Webnesday, April 11 follow up, we will use this Webex link to meet. (Meeting Number is 998 444 677, if prompted. Audio Connection: 202.774.2300, Access Code: 998 444 677)

What: We will test connectivity with both XDM/SMTP and XDR/SOAP. The goal is to send and receive a 360X message, as the initial step for the content testing as described in Appendix D of the 360X Implementation Guide. The technical information for the participants is available in a Google sheet


  1. Implementation guide updates - some updates have been made, an typo was corrected that was causing the base XDM data types to not display properly. More edits to come.
  2. Planning for online testing:
    • Reach out to Nextgen
    • Establish communications (April 9, 10, or 11)
      • spreadsheet with comm details
      • firewall rules, endpoints
      • Direct addresses (three addresses per domain)
      • determine the HISP infrastructure - who is going to use SMTP for communication, and who is using MedAllies to step up or step down exchange
      • determine trust certificates
      • exchange messages to each participant
        • XDM
        • XDR
    • Scenario testing (April 17 or 18)
      • review use case - Alex to reach to Dr. Miller
      • if needed, add further discrete information if necessary
      • Qvera will distribute some examples via mailing list
      • possibly recording the results
  3. Press release (from IHE) - contact Joyce Sensmeier


Short call, post-HIMSS.

Topics discussed:

  1. Call notes are being entered in the blog area of the ONC Project Tracking Wiki. Vassil to complete in the coming weeks
  2. Planning for online testing
    1. Still targeting week of April 9th or April 16th
    2. Possibly use MedAllies HISP
    3. Suggestion: split the testing into infrastructure setup one week, and workflow/content test the next week.
    4. Details to be further discussed over e-mail
  3. Some updates to the Implementation Guide Wiki to happen before next call.



Mailing list update

The mailing list for active contributors was successfully moved to a new server. The actual address of the list changed, however - it is now

The administrative interface is still at

There were some issues with the IP address of the new server being black-listed by some anti-spam services, but this has been resolved. Still, given the new server, and changed list address, emails may go to a spam folder - please check, and note that it is not spam - most e-mail clients will trust you, and let future emails directly to your inbox.

If you are not on the list, and would like to join, please send an email to


Short call, as many people are busy with, or already traveling to the HIMSS Annual Conference.

Updates on some of the items from last call:

  1. Arranging online testing
    1. the week of April 9th or April 16th
    2. Ron to update Appendix D to reflect scenario for testing
    3. need to clarify how the infrastructure will work
  2. The mailing list has moved to a new server, however new IP address had been black-listed, and emails rejected by Outlook 365 based systems. This should be fixed, a test e-mail will be sent next week.


We outlined more details on the items we discussed last time.

We will start adding minutes (and announcements) to the Blog area at

  1. Online testing:
    1. Target for middle of April
    2. Ron to work on scenario
    3. Once successful testing has occurred, record a webinar
  2. Tiffany and Brett are working on the ONC Interop proving grounds
  3. Vassil to check if any 360X testing will be done at the IHE Europe Connectathion.
  4. Implementation Guide Work items
    1. IG Work section 6
      1. 6.1.1 Confirm that it is generated from a spreadsheet
      2. 6.1.1 HLY typo
      3. 6.1.2 fill out
      4. 6.1.3 fill out
      5. 6.2 - pull content from IHE profile, explaining hierarchy of decision on which document type to use
      6. 6.2.1 review and incorporate spreadsheets
      7. 6.2.2 review and incorporate spreadsheet
      8. 6.3 - add explanatory text to the tables
      9. 6.3 - add scheduling events
    2. IG Work section 7
      1. add appropriate examples (may wait until Testing session)
      2. metadata requirements - pull from IHE Profile.
      3. 7.5.1 missing figure
      4. Add additional scheduling types
    3. IG Work Appendix A
      1. Get information form Google spreadsheet
    4. IG Work Appendix B
      1. Pull in existing work in CDA sections/templates
      2. Sync with IHE profile
    5. IG Work Appendix C
      1. Complete document with vocabulary, and data type descriptions, and scheduling events
      2. Use new feature in Google Docs to create a version 1.0 of the document
    6. IG Work Appendix D
      1. Add Clinical content appropriate for the example.


  1. There will be no demonstration of 360X at HIMSS. Two related reasons:
    • The time between Connectathon and HIMSS was too short to successfully add the newly tested profile
    • There were not enough participants who could commit to participating in a demo  at HIMSS

2. Future plans:

  • Public statement/release from IHE – request quote from ONC leadership (by April)
  • Review Standards Advisory for individual referral listing (by April)
  • Webinar for promotion (Vassil to talk to IHE USA - make a decision  by 3/2)
  • Live demonstrations - make decision by 3/2
  • One-day testing sessions (Connectathon) - make decision by 3/2
  • Update ONC Interop proving ground listing (Tiffany by April)

3. List of outstanding updates to the Implementation Guide:

  • sections 6, 7, and appendices
    • HL7 v2 vocabulary
      • update the spreadsheet
      • import in the Google doc
      • represent in the message structure
    • XD Metadata
      • review spreadsheet
      • incorporate in the IG
    • Section 7 - fill out the meat
    • review the IHE profile and synchronize with the IG

The IHE PCC Profile documenting the 360X project underwent its first Connectathon testing during the week of January 15 to 19 in Cleveland. Three participants successfully exchanged the required messages to enable closed loop referrals.

The results of the 2018 IHE North American Connectathon can be seen at - select 360 Exchange Closed Loop Referral from the list of Integration Profiles (last field on the form) and click "Go".


Testing results screen shot