Angela RichardsX
Vassil PeytchevX

Administrative topics


The calls on July 5 will be cancelled. The calls on July 12 (SDOH) and the following weeks will continue as scheduled.

The IHE face-to-face meeting in Oak Brook is coming up on July 15-18. If anyone is planning to attend in person, please fill out the Google form (if you are an IHE member), or send an email to the list to be added as a guest (if you are not an IHE member). Online participation is open to everyone and the details will be send to the mailing list.


Signing up for the mailing list can be done at 
There is an archive of all messages sent to the mailing list, including the meeting requests, at

Home Health Referrals

We had in-depth discussion on plan of care vs care plan.

Plan of Care

  • One of the OASIS documents
  • covers two 30-day periods
  • needs to be submitted in very strict timelines established by CMS to the responsible clinician for signature.

Care Plan

  • Documented in the OASIS Visit Note during the initial visit

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