
Kate Jenkins-BrownX
Garry MillerX
Matt BeckerX
Matt BishopX
Vassil PeytchevX

Administrative topics

Action items

The 360X-SD IHE profile has been published for public comment at Please review and send comments (including "I approve") using the form at

The comments will be discussed at the next IHE face-to-face meeting. The tentative time slots for 360X topics are:

  • 360X-HH (Home Health) 11 am - 1 pm Eastern time on Wednesday, May 8,
  • 360X-SD (SDOH comment review + Referral Status Query) 10 am - 11 am  Eastern Time on Thursday, May 9.


Signing up for the mailing list can be done at 
There is an archive of all messages sent to the mailing list, including the the meeting requests, at

SDOH referrals

The 360X-SD IHE specification has a "named option" for enabling updates of the status of an SDOH referral to make it to the Referral initiator. One of the mechanisms for the retrieving the status is a FHIR query. The implementation guide for the FHIR query is being developed at and it will be discussed at the next SDOH call.

Industry news

We got a brief update on TEFCA with a new update coming up, which will introduce FHIR access.

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