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Standards & Harmonization Announcements

The Data Provenance Harmonization Phase kicked off on October 23, 2014.

All Hands meetings are moving to a bi-weekly schedule - the next meeting will be Thursday, October 20th, 2016.

Please join us for our next Data Provenance All Hands Call on October 20th  from 2:00-3:00pm Eastern Standard Time .

The Final Functional Requirements Document developed in response to the HITSC Data ProvenanceTask Force Recommendations was reviewed on the 5/28 All Hands Call and is available here.

The Data Provenance initiative is currently seeking pilots. If you are interested in participating, please email  or or fill out the interest form below.

Harmonization Timeline

Harmonization Work-In-Progress Documents

The table below includes the Harmonization content that was covered in the most recent meetings. Each week the Harmonization documents will be updated based on the content reviewed during the All Hands meeting.

DocumentDate UploadedSummary
9.17 All Hands Materials9/17/20159/17 All Hands:
-Shared updates on the status of the LPHI Pilots
-Did a deep dive into the HL7 DPROV Implementation Guide
9.3 All Hands Materials9/8/20159/3 All Hands:
-Shared updates on the status of the LPHI Pilots
-Reviewed the Data Provenance Standards Analysis Crosswalk
8.20 All Hands Materials8/21/20158/20 All Hands:
- Shared updates on the RAIN and LPHI pilot preparation
8.13 All Hands Materials8/14/20158/13 All Hands:
-Reviewed the Data Provenance Standards Analysis Crosswalk with the SMEs
8.6 All Hands Materials8/6/20158/6 All Hands:
-Presentation by Mohammed Islam and Robert Moerland from Louisiana Public Health Institute on their organization's goals and plan for piloting
-Presentation by Timothy Tyndall and Ayami Tyndall from RAIN Network on their organization's goals and plan for piloting
7.30 All Hands Materials 7/30/20157/30 All Hands:
-Introduced the Standards Analysis Crosswalk, which maps the candidate standards to the requirements from the Use Case and Functional Requirements document
7.23 All Hands Materials 7/24/20157/23 All Hands:
-Introduced the UCR crosswalk
7.16 All Hands Materials7/24/20157/16 All Hands:
-Presentation by Gajen Sunthara, ONC Presidential Innovation Fellow
7.9 All Hands Materials7/10/20157/9 All Hands:
-Jeff Tackes presented on USPS's provenance-related capabilities
7.2 All Hands Materials7/6/20157/2 All Hands:
-Shared the pilot recruitment status and the plan for upcoming community meetings
6.25 All Hands Materials6/26/20156/25 All Hands:
-Gary Dickinson walked through the changes and additions to the HL7 FHIR EHR Record Lifecycle Event Implementation Guide and the FHIR W5 Report
6.18 All Hands Materials6/19/20156/18 All Hands:
-Shared announcements regarding the pilot phase of the initiative
6.11 All Hands Materials6/11/20156/11 All Hands:
-Introduced Rose-Marie Nsahlai as the new ONC/OCPO Sponsor
-Reviewed the new S&I process for developing technical solutions and implementation guidance with input from pilot organizations
5.28 All Hands Materials5/29/20155/28 All Hands:
-Reviewed the Functional Requirements document, which summarizes the discussions that the Information Interchange and System Requirements SWGs had over the past few months
5.21 All Hands Materials5/22/20155/21 All Hands:
-Further defined what it means to "change" data
-Discussed the SWG's recommendation for the involved of digital signatures in data provenance
5.7 All Hands Materials 5/8/20155/7 All Hands:
For the System Requirements SWG:
-Reviewed the candidate standards list that we developed on the last All Hands Call
-Defined what it means to "change" data
-Discussed the security implications as they relate to the system requirements
The Information Interchange Discussions finished up on the 4/30 All Hands Call
4.30 All Hands Materials5/1/20154/30 All Hands:
-Considered the implications of privacy and security aspects as they relate to information interchange and discussed the policy considerations related to system behaviors
-Reviewed the 'Action Reason,' 'Data Reason,' 'Author Signature,' and 'System, Device or Software Signature' data elements; Identified a short list of candidate standards that meet our core requirements; chose a definition for what it means to 'change' data
4.23 All Hands Materials4/24/20154/23 All Hands:
- Revisited possible payload standards (assuming content neutral transport) that align with MU2 and MU3 - Information Interchange SWG
-Continued the discussion on transport standards that support the core information interchange requirements and the payload - Information Interchange SWG
-Reviewed the Data Provenance System Event Matrix. More specifically, we highlighted data elements that need to be defined and further discussed, and we edited the matrix to reflect that data can be pulled from the receiving system, in addition to being pushed from the source EHR system
Community Review: Candidate Standards List (Updated)4/20/2015 
4.9 All Hands Materials4/9/20154/9 All Hands:
-Discussed possible payload standards (assuming content neutral transport) that align with MU2 and MU3 - Information Interchange SWG
-Discussed transport standards that support the core information interchange requirements and the payload - Information Interchange SWG
-Reviewed the Data Provenance System Event Matrix, and more specifically, we disambiguated the role of the "Author" - System Requirements SWG
4.2 All Hands Materials4/2/20154/2 All Hands:
-Answered the question, "what do we need to know?" and began developing a list of corresponding Data Elements - Information Interchange SWG
-Reviewed the Data Provenance System Event Matrix, and more specifically, the "Provenance Events" and "Exchanges (w/ and w/o transformation)" sections - System Requirements SWG
3.26 All Hands Materials3/27/20153/26 All Hands:
-Further defined the framing assumptions for Information Interchange
-Reviewed the Data Provenance System Event Matrix
3.19 All Hands Materials3/27/20153/19 All Hands:
-Discussed the framing assumptions for Information Interchange
-Discussed the system requirements need to establish a 'chain of trust'
-Reviewed the Data Provenance System Event Matrix
3.12 All Hands Materials3/27/20153/12 All Hands:
-Reviewed the plan and timeline for the Information Interchange SWG
-Elaborated on the Information Interchange framing questions and what it means to 'change' data
-Reviewed the Minimum Provenance Requirements spreadsheet
3.5 All Hands Materials3/9/20153/5 All Hands:
-Heard a report out from the 2/27 System Requirements SWG Call.
-Discussed the plan, goals, and timeline for the Information Interchange SWG.
2.26 All Hands Materials 2/26/20152/16 All hands:
- Reviewed the plan, goals, and timeline for the System Requirements SWG
- Reviewed and discussed the initial list of Data Elements taken from the DPROV Use Case
2.19 All Hands Materials2/20/20152/19 All Hands:
- Heard updates on the status of HITSC Task Force Recommendations
-Heard an overview of the tentative plan, goals, and timeline for the System Functional and Information Interchange Requirements SWGs
2.5 All Hands Materials2/5/20152/5 All Hands:
-Reviewed the process for receiving formal recommendations from the Data Provenance Task Force and HITSC
-Heard a presentation on the CDISC Operational Data Model from Sam Hume
1.29 All Hands Materials2/1/20151/29 All Hands:
-Heard a summary of the HL7 Meeting activities
-Reviewed the Data Provenance Task Force's recommendations to HITSC
-Reviewed the Harmonization process and the tentative plan moving forward
1.15 All Hands Materials

Gary Dickinson: HL7 FHIR Provenance Resource

FHIR Provenance Resource
1/15/20151/15 All Hands:
-Gary Dickinson provides an overview of the HL7 FHIR DSTU Release 1.1 Provenance Resource
-Brief discusion on how the FHIR Provenance Resource compares to the W3C Spec
-Kathleen Connor finishes her presentation on the grouping of HL7 Implementation Guides and the associated vocabulary from the 1/8/2015 All Hands Call
1.8 All Hands Materials1/9/20151/8 All Hands:
- Kathleen Connor provides and over view of the following grouping of Implementation Guides and the associated vocabulary:
1. HL7 Health Care Privacy and Security Classification System, Release 1
2. HL7 V3: Privacy, Access and Security Services (PASS)
3. HL7 V3: Privacy, Access and Security Services; Security Labelling Service, Release 1 (SLS)
4. Data Segmentation for Privacy (DS4P)
- Kathleen Connor + Serafina Versaggi provide and overview of HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA, Release 2: Consent Directives, Release 1
12.18 All Hands Materials12/29/201412/18 All Hands:
- Bob Dieterle provides an overview of HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA R2: Digital Signatures and Delegation of Rights, Release 1
- Diana Warner and Reed Gelzer provide an overview of HL7 EHR Records Management and Evidentiary Support (RM-ES) Functional Model, Release 1
12.11 All Hands Materials

Gary Dickinson: Functional Models Overview

EHR Interoperability Model Spreadsheet
12/11/201412/11 All Hands:
-Gary Dickinson provides overviews of:
1. HL7 EHR Interoperability Model DSTU (2007)
2. HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2: Reference Profile for EHR Interoperability Model DSTU (2008)
3. HL7 EHR Lifecycle Model DSTU (2008)
4. ISO/HL7 10781 EHR System Functional Model, Release 2 (2014)
5. HL7 Record Lifecycle Events on FHIR (project underway 2014 for FHIR DSTU Release 2)
12.4 All Hands Materials12/5/201412/4 All Hands:
-Review Candidate Standards Presentation Schedule
-Bob Yencha and Kathleen Connor provide overviews and related provenance guidance within:
1. CDA R2
2. HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA R2: Data Provenance, R1
3. HL7 V2
Community Review: Candidate Standards List (Updated)

11.20 All Hands Materials (including presentation on SOAP by Glen Marshall)

Gary Dickinson: ISO 21089 Overview
11/21/2014Artifacts for Review:
-Candidate Standards List

11/20 All Hands:
-Review Candidate Standards presentation schedule
-Address community comments on the Candidate Standards list
-Glen Marshall provides overview of SOAP
-Gary Dickinson provides overview of ISO 21089 Health Information: Trusted End-to-End Flows (2004)
Community Review: Candidate Standards List (Updated)

11.13 All Hands Materials

Satya Sahoo: W3C Prov Overview
11/13/2014Artifacts for Review:
-Candidate Standards List

11/13 All Hands:
-Provide recap of end-to-end workflow analysis
-Review all candidate standards, identify points of contact to serve as standard experts
-Satya Sahoo provides overview of W3C Prov Specifications
11.6 All Hands Materials11/13/2014Artifacts for Review:
-Use Case End-to-End Workflow Diagram

11/6 All Hands:
-Discuss system and information interchange requirements as part of end-to-end Use Case diagram
-Identify and confirm provenance metadata events
Community Review: Candidate Standards List
10.23 All Hands Materials
10/24/2014Artifacts for Review:
-Candidate Standards List

10/23 All Hands:
-Provide overview of S&I Harmonization Process
-Introduce and review Candidate Standards


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