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Data Provenance (DPROV) Homepage


The term “provenance” in the context of Health IT refers to evidence and attributes describing the origin of health information as it is captured in a health system. Data provenance provides the ability to trace and verify the creation of information, how it has been used or moved among different databases, as well as how it is altered throughout its lifecycle. Clinical information can be shared between providers, organizations, health IT systems and other entities. The Data Provenance Initiative aims to establish a standardized way of capturing, retaining and exchanging the provenance of health information through pilots, use cases and other modalities.

Initiative Status

The DPROV Initiative ended on September 2017. We would like to thank the entire community for their participation over the years! Below you will find a detailed list of initiative artifacts and deliverables for your reference.

To follow the winners of the ONC "

This initiative is currently in the Pilots phase. ONC has announced the Phase 1 winners of the “

Oh the Places Data Goes: Health Data Provenance

” Challenge. Congratulations to the following organizations:
  • Hyper E-Health
  • RAIN Live Oak Technology
  • 1UpHealth
  • Emrify
To learn more about the White Papers from these organiztions, visit the ONC DPROV Challenge website

" Challenge, please click here


DPROV All Hands

Meeting Schedule

Date: July 20, 2017 (every third Thursday thereafter)

Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Dial-In: 240-454-0879
Access code: 664 332 476URL:

Meeting Schedule


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DPROV Artifacts and Deliverables

Foundational Documents 

DocumentDescriptionDownload View 
Data Provenance Charter DocumentThe Charter document is the first document to propose the need for tracking Data Provenance across Health IT. It describes the challenges, scope, stakeholders for this initiative as well as defining the value of the project and the first potential set of data elements needed to ensure security across a medical record's lifecycle.Download DocumentView PDF
Data Provenance Functional Requirements DocumentThe Functional Requirements document goes in depth defining all of the data elements needed for a successful pilot demonstration of provenance.Download DocumentView PDF
Use CaseThe Use Case document reviews the scenarios in which Data Provenance can be applied.Download DocumentView PDF

DPROV General Reference Materials

Data Provenance Initiative LaunchThe first meeting for the Data Provenance Initiative held on April 10, 2014. Click here to view the recording.Download PowerPoint
Data Provenance Executive SummaryThe Data Provenance Executive Summary is a high level overview made to attract pilots, describing the need for Data Provenance and showcasing the initiative's Use Case setDownload PDF
Data Provenance GlossaryThis page provides a list of important terms to the DPROV InitiativeVisit Wikipage
DPROV HL7 ArtifactsThis links to the HL7 Data Provenance Wiki page, providing all HL7 artifacts connected to the DPROV InitiativeVisit Wikipage
Health IT Standards Committee: Recommendations to the National Coordinator for Health ITThis page describes the Standards recommendations for ONCVisit Website
Implementing Interoperable Provenance in Biomedical Research A document by Vasa Curcin, et al describing how to implement provenance in biomedical domainsDownload Document
ONC-SI: Data Provenance - FHIR Provenance ResourceFHIR DSTU Release 1.1 Provenance Resource Presentation from January 16, 2015Download Document

HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Data Provenance, Release 1 – US Realm

This IG provides guidance to any CDA R2 implementer on the use of CDA templates to represent the data provenance as well specifying reusable models as building blocks for use in other information exchange standards

Visit HL7 Standards Website
Provenance-FHIR 0.4.0PDF of the FHIR Provenance ResourceDownload PDF
ONC-SI: Provenance Lifecycle Event StandardsSystem Functional and Lifecycle Model PresentationsDownload Document
Trusted End-to-End Information FlowsISO 21089 Presentation regarding Trusted End-to-End Information FlowsDownload Document
ONC-SI: Provenance-Record LifecycleEHR Functional Model Presentation from June 26, 2014Download Document
ONC-SI: Provenance-Record Lifecycle Events Across SI InitiativesEHR Record Lifecycle Events and Data Provenance Across ONC initiatives from July 1, 2014Download Document
CentriHealth Comments Actors-Roles-AccountabilityCentriHealth comments on Actors, Roles, and Accountability from August 10, 2014Download Document
CentriHealth Comments Assumptions-Pre-Post-ConditionsCentriHealth comments on Assumptions and Pre/Post-Conditions from August 10, 2014Download Document
CentriHealth Comments User Story ExamplesCentriHealth comments on User Story Examples from August 10, 2014Download Document
DPROV Project SummaryThe Summary is a high-level overview of the DPROV initiative, covering all aspects from inception, to execution and piloting.Download



Initiative Contacts

Project RoleNameEmail
ONC/OCPO SponsorRose-Marie
ONC/OST SponsorAli
Initiative CoordinatorJohnathan
Project ManagerGayathri
Subject Matter ExpertKathleen