Blog from February, 2020

Call slot was used for HIMSS demo testing.

No call - testing for HIMSS demo

Preparations for HIMSS demo, confirm testing/rehearsal dates (no call next week), discuss VIP tour.

Answer for the question from last week:

For the purposes of the demo, when the patient is admitted in the SNF and a notification is sent to the PCP, ORC-1 should be set to OK and ORC-5 should be set to CM.

Not that this is not (yet) part of the current specification. It might be added at a later point.

IHE meeting is next week, 360XL (L for Long Term Care) is going to be presented.

Short call, Review testing plans, and white paper.

Open question (Vassil not present to answer):

When the notification is sent from SNF to PCP, what are the expected values for ORC-1 and ORC-5?