Blog from May, 2018

Current participants in the 360X project are planning another testing session on Wednesday, June 6th.

When: 10 am Eastern Time to 5 pm Eastern time (times may be slotted for particular testing, but we plan to start all together).

Tentative schedule

10 am Eastern/ 9 am Central/ 7 am Pacific: Initial call-in and confirming the schedule

noon Eastern/ 11 am Central/ 9 am Pacific: 1st check-in call, status updates

2 pm Eastern/ 1 pm Central/ 11 am Pacific: 2nd check-in call, status updates

4 pm Eastern/ 3 pm Central/ 1 pm Pacific: Final check-in call, wrap up

How: We will use this Webex link to help with communications during testing. Meeting Number is 998 389 746, if prompted. Audio Connection: 202.774.2300, Access Code: 998 389 746

What: Iron out Direct communications, test out workflows as described in Appendix D of the 360X Implementation Guide, test handling of possible error conditions:

  • Initiator receives a referral accept message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral decline message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives a referral complete message (close the loop) without previously sending referral request message
  • Initiator receives an intermediate results message after previously receiving referral complete message (close the loop)
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with correct referral ID, but different patient ID
  • Initiator or recipient receives any post-initiate message with unknown referral identifier


  1. Testing preparation continues, making sure cross-HISP connectivity is working. The schedule for testing will be posted shortly.
    1. Epic to make sure individual address certificates are available
    2. Netsmart will most likely participate
    3. Allscripts will most likely observe
  2. The might be an ONC Interoperability Forum during the first half of August. Last year we did a presentation on 360X. This year, if there is such a meeting, there might be an opportunity to do a demo. Once there is clarity on that, we will discuss what and how to demonstrate.
  3. The HIMSS 19 Interoperability Showcase signup has started. If your organization has signed up by June 1st, you can propose scenarios (aka Use Cases) to include 360X.
  4. There was some interest expressed by IHE PCC to create a "parallel" profile for 360X using FHIR. Using FHIR for workflows is an uncharted territory, and only rudimentary foundations are currently available. One reason to undertake such an effort would be to make sure that there is a comprehensive implementation guide for the 360X functionality, as opposed to trying to put together non-interoperable bits and pieces created for ad-hoc purposes. For those interested in how FHIR approaches workflows, a basic referral example is already part of the specification


Short call - in-between IHE committee meetings, and HL7 Working group meeting.

Work continues on cross-HISP communications.

Next call is before Memorial Day, but will still take place.