Blog from March, 2018

  1. Implementation guide updates - some updates have been made, an typo was corrected that was causing the base XDM data types to not display properly. More edits to come.
  2. Planning for online testing:
    • Reach out to Nextgen
    • Establish communications (April 9, 10, or 11)
      • spreadsheet with comm details
      • firewall rules, endpoints
      • Direct addresses (three addresses per domain)
      • determine the HISP infrastructure - who is going to use SMTP for communication, and who is using MedAllies to step up or step down exchange
      • determine trust certificates
      • exchange messages to each participant
        • XDM
        • XDR
    • Scenario testing (April 17 or 18)
      • review use case - Alex to reach to Dr. Miller
      • if needed, add further discrete information if necessary
      • Qvera will distribute some examples via mailing list
      • possibly recording the results
  3. Press release (from IHE) - contact Joyce Sensmeier


Short call, post-HIMSS.

Topics discussed:

  1. Call notes are being entered in the blog area of the ONC Project Tracking Wiki. Vassil to complete in the coming weeks
  2. Planning for online testing
    1. Still targeting week of April 9th or April 16th
    2. Possibly use MedAllies HISP
    3. Suggestion: split the testing into infrastructure setup one week, and workflow/content test the next week.
    4. Details to be further discussed over e-mail
  3. Some updates to the Implementation Guide Wiki to happen before next call.



Mailing list update

The mailing list for active contributors was successfully moved to a new server. The actual address of the list changed, however - it is now

The administrative interface is still at

There were some issues with the IP address of the new server being black-listed by some anti-spam services, but this has been resolved. Still, given the new server, and changed list address, emails may go to a spam folder - please check, and note that it is not spam - most e-mail clients will trust you, and let future emails directly to your inbox.

If you are not on the list, and would like to join, please send an email to


Short call, as many people are busy with, or already traveling to the HIMSS Annual Conference.

Updates on some of the items from last call:

  1. Arranging online testing
    1. the week of April 9th or April 16th
    2. Ron to update Appendix D to reflect scenario for testing
    3. need to clarify how the infrastructure will work
  2. The mailing list has moved to a new server, however new IP address had been black-listed, and emails rejected by Outlook 365 based systems. This should be fixed, a test e-mail will be sent next week.