[CQM-694] CMS178v3/NQF0453 Denominator logic looks for Device, Applied "start datetime" "during" encounter, can't have during without an end datetime Created: 06/13/13  Updated: 05/23/16  Resolved: 04/10/14

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: Annual Update Priority: Minor
Reporter: Tamara Bailey (Inactive) Assignee: Abt Associate (Inactive)
Resolution: Delivered Votes: 0
Labels: None

Issue Links:
Contact Name: Tamara Bailey
Contact Email: tamara.bailey@xerox.com
Contact Phone: 520.753.4324
Institution/Name: Midas+
Solution: Thank you for your question. The logic will be updated during the measure maintenance period to include the use of the timing relationship "starts during" in the logic phrase. Revised specifications will be available during the next regularly-scheduled update.
Tracker Notification:
Deborah Krauss (Inactive), Saul Kravitz (Inactive)
Comment Posted On:


In the denominator logic there exists:

AND: "Occurrence A of Device, Applied: Hospital Measures-Indwelling urinary catheter (start datetime, anatomical structure: 'Hospital Measures-Urethra')" during "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Encounter Inpatient"

Per the measure logic guidance, in order for something to be "during" an encounter, it has to have a start and end date time, since you're specifically looking at the start datetime here, the logic should say:

AND: "Occurrence A of Device, Applied: Hospital Measures-Indwelling urinary catheter (start datetime, anatomical structure: 'Hospital Measures-Urethra')" STARTS during "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Encounter Inpatient"

Comment by Sharon J. Giarrizzo-Wilson (Inactive) [ 04/10/14 ]

Incorporated into AU

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