[CQM-1788] EH_CMS53v4_NQF0163_AMI8a_PrimaryPCI_Discrepancy in numerator Created: 11/20/15  Updated: 04/19/16  Resolved: 04/19/16

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: EH/CAH eCQMs - Eligible Hospitals/Critical Access Hospitals Priority: Minor
Reporter: michelle (Inactive) Assignee: Joelencia Leflore
Resolution: Done Votes: 0
Labels: None

Solution: Thank you for your comment. Please see CQM-1692 " ...the designation of a PCI as primary is not typically found in the EHR in the codified manner that the measure expects." Is this consistent with your EHR product? The measure developers have had discussions about capturing "Primary' with timing instead of ordinality: primary procedure. This logic is being reviewed this 2016 annual update.
Solution Posted On:
2016 Reporting Period EH eCQMs:
Impact: High


In the numerator setion

• AND:
o OR:
 AND: "Occurrence A of Procedure, Performed: PCI (ordinality: Primary Procedure)" <= 90 minute(s) starts after start of Occurrence A of $EncounterInpatient
 AND NOT: "Encounter, Performed: Emergency Department Visit" <= 1 hour(s) ends before or concurrent with start of Occurrence A of $EncounterInpatient
o OR: "Encounter, Performed: Emergency Department Visit" satisfies all
 <= 90 minute(s) starts before start of "Procedure, Performed: PCI"
 <= 1 hour(s) ends before or concurrent with start of Occurrence A of $EncounterInpatient

ordinality: Primary Procedure is only mentioned in Inpatient,and not in ED.
have we to consider the ordinality: Primary Procedure in ED also

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